Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My physical side of things Update~

We met the surgeon yesterday and learned I'm her2 negative and most are positive.
Difference is my cells are not fueled by hormones  and will require chemo. We knew
my treatment plan will include chemo, mastectomy, and radiation.

I was blessed enough to be offered a braca test yesterday The test Angelina Jolie had.
It gives both of my daughters who are 6 and 4 years of age the knowledge to know if their Mom is negative or positive.
Pray for Neg~ Means my breast cancer is a fluke non hereditary  and my daughters are not passed the gene.
If POS~ Then we know to watch them early and monitor them.
Test itself was very cool where you swish regular scoop mouth wash in your cheeks and spit in a cup.
They retract your DNA from the mouth wash.
Results in two weeks.

My surgeons plan is to have chemo 1st reasons

A. It stops any spreading
B. shrinks my tumors and we can tell what chemo meds are working the best
C. It saves more lymph nodes (at time of mastectomy less removed)

I am having a MRI Thursday and a PET Scan Friday they are both ordered for all and almost always come back nothing seen. They check if cancer is anywhere else in the body so they know to treat it.
We all feel the results will be nothing seen elsewhere on Monday.

We will meet with my Oncologist next week and I'm told I have a "wicked sorcerer " for cancer drugs and he's one of the best oncologist in NC! He's brilliant!

We will then have an insight of the stage I'm in and if he agrees with my surgeon as to start chemo before surgery.

My Emotional Side ~

I'm ready for Monday to have MRI and Pet scan results and to meet my new best friend my oncologist
What he will tell us will be an insight to my prognosis and treatment over the next eight months and rest of my life.
I worry about my husband and 5 kids over this long road to recovery and whats ahead emotionally for them. I worry about Mommy feeling too sick to enjoy time with them.
I'm still very positive and certainly ready to put chemo behind us, get the hardest part of my treatment out of the way. My husbands strong and kids are amazingly strong too and our family will if we have to crawl come out on the other side of this even stronger!

Sometimes I want a crystal ball to look into the future and take a peak but then realize its best to not foresee the rough spots. All lessons I will learn in my step to recovery will be amazing. I have already meet many angels among us!

Reflections, redemption and second chances to rectify mistakes or change things for the better is what this and all living life is about!

Life is about working hard, loving hard, playing hard and helping others!

We make our own happiness!

When faced with any difficult situation even if I push, pull, or crawl to get to the other side the reward is far greater and only forms us all into steel!

I'm so blessed for my ineradicable family and life and I have my eye on the prize and plan on grabbing it and being whole and healthy by spring!

My prayers and love are with you all~

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