Thursday, March 19, 2015

If you must move monumental mountains to achieve your goals and dreams then get to it and so be it~

If I must move monumental mountains to achieve the best scenario and provide the greatest chance at the best opportunity for my children to achieve their goals no personal cost is ever too great.

Once comfortable and steadfast, just short of admit in my long term plans life pulls rank and God once again proves I have no control of not only my life let alone my children's and husbands. I do feel I can tip the scales and take advantage of the opportunity to arrive and take the best path fundamentally placed in my grasp to enable my children to achieve their goals.

When we built our custom home under four years ago we where under the impression we would raise our children and once our two year old (baby 5) was headed to college we would down size.
As we all know life can change in a moment and as soon as you think you have it all figured out, a plan in motion, and just cruising along  it can all change. What I would of strongly professed to a week ago prior can change and have me reevaluating what is important and fine tuning or even making drastic changes. I could not for see that was forth coming, actually inevitable and very important. It always takes me back to one of my favorite quotes "when you want to hear God laugh tell him you plans"

No matter my frustration and the many optiscles I have endured as doors closed and prohibited the path I feel is imparitive towards the future, the doors in the proper direction opened as they where meant too.

I have spoken of the "signs or clues" that are meant to guide me in the proper direction as not only is patience not my strong suite but "blatantly obvious"apparently is not either. It takes a knock over the head or star spangle banner to grab my attention sometimes. Great news is God realizes this and provides what is needed to get his point across as I feel is a great blessing.

We settled for our oldest high school (as he learned a great deal of diversity and life's hard knocks) and  I was recently told our middle school-er would be at an interim high school his freshman year and my boys would miss freshman/senior year together  the cost was too great to justify any house at that point.

Our house had 5 offers in only two days on the market and the doors of fate and destiny where opening at rapid pace.  It was not that easy however. Even tho we sold our home for a better education and opportunity for our children the obstacles where plentiful to over come.

Not only did we provide our new address in our (base school) NOT GOOD ENOUGH, we endured "home visits" from our school district Wake County and had to provide personal home sale proceeds and contracts to be given permission to have the privilege of enrolling our children in their new base schools~ To elaborate "your tax dollars hard at work" Wake county does not accept proof of address they now send someone to your home to visually see that you have moved in and also visit your old home to prove it vacant. I worked at a  welfare Medicaid hospital early in my career and I felt the home visit was similar other than I'm not an unfit parent, I simply sold my dream home to provide my kids with the best opportunity at an education to endure scrutiny and an envision of privacy.
In the end it was all worth the hard work and sacrifice as the kids, Rob and  I are very grateful we made the change.

I had the greatest compliment to date as my 10th grader was given a substantial assignment (two test grade score) to pick three heroes. He chose a past, a historian, and a modern. I was his modern story hero. When I asked him why "because I beat breast cancer?' He replied no mom, you are simply the strongest person I know,and my 12 year old agreed. In spite of the normalcy in my older boys that they feel they are smarter than we are, I feel like we have arrived as parents and see Gods will in them every day!
This is precisely why money is never relevant in life. Homes come and go and material possessions never achieve happiness. God provides and life is a true gift. Its up to us to make our own happiness, good decisions, and help others.

I had my first follow up appointment since my reconstruction surgery and all is well. My blood test tumor markers look great and very low (a good thing). My consolation prize is not impressive ladies. Once you endure a bilateral mastectomy, I thought the insurance company will pay for the reconstruction lets grab a prize at the end of the journey. Not so much in my case. HAHA. I look the same as I was born with, but the silver lining is at least they look natural and you would never guess other wise. Wanted to share that with others on their journeys as your muscle will only stretch according to your body's natural frame.

I wanted to share a final story with you

My father has worked with a lovely gentleman the past 30 years who's son recently died. This man who passed away was a youth minister who was greatly loved and respected. He grew a small congregation in Florida to a large church. He is survived by his wife and 3 small children 6, 4, and a 2 year old. He died of a heroin overdose no foul play. The reason I share this is because you never really know what struggles are going on next door. Its important you smile, offer help, or an encouraging word to all you are able. Turn the other check and try diligently to forgive trespasses and not to judge. Words I need to pray about and work harder to achieve personalty.

Life is an amazing journey I am enjoying every day. I appreciate my many blessing and do not let the small stuff weigh me down. When the doors close I trust the proper doors will open and God is always guiding me.

Please pray for the less fortunate and smile everyday, grab all silver linings and know God has a plan for us all! I become stronger with each lesson learned and in my faith.

God Bless