Saturday, July 19, 2014

Angels that walk among us and my hopes and fears

I realize triple negative  stage lll breast  cancer is very serious and a very long
Road to recovery  I'm not sugar coating as it's a terrible disease

I remain focused on over a 77 % survival rate among all stages I do consider variations

This journey tho scary as hell has so many silver linings, blessings, and lessons learned and to be discovered
I feel I have already received many blessing as I stated my body scan had no cancer in my organs

I have met many amazing people and some who are total strangers willing to take time out of their lives to offer meals
Neighbors who will walk my 1st grader to school as I will have a lower immune system thru Decembers chemo treats
Phone calls and messages from cancer survivors who help with answers and moral support

Myself and husband of 20 years have always done things on our own
We have never asked nor been able to accept help but as our up hill battle begins we find this new life we must change and grow to be successful along this journey and fight to become cancer free

Its important to know your help, calls, support, and prayers that truly make a difference in our lives and you are all my allies in my recovery to win this war and become cancer free

I'm up for the battle and to start chemo as I've never been more ready for anything in my life!

I choose to win over this disease
Walk hand and hand beside my children as they grow and to help others as they are helping me!

Please pray for a negative  brain scan and great results to chemo next week!

Know you are all angles and feel you are our new found friends and family!

I will update my blog early next week as soon as I have my brain scan results!!

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