Sunday, August 31, 2014

The "Mommy side" of me struggles but knows this achievement of being cancer free and a survivor is the greatest gift I will ever give my children and family!

Between all the doctor appointments, labs, ultra sounds and interviewing reconstructive surgeons it is not difficult for things to intertwine together and get muddled. Throw in my five children, four car pools, football five days a week, my oldest job schedule and all in between. I am very good at my job as president of my family, my organization alone is impeccable. Not only am I blessed, I love what I do. When I walked away from nursing to be at home it was the best thing I have ever done in life.
Now that I am living with my "new normal" even tho it will not last forever I find myself really struggling on the medical side of this journey currently.
The reconstruction side of it as I said some decisions are easy and others are very taxing. I am very excited to have my last AC chemo ( the harder drug combo) this Friday 9/5 as I feel is a rite of passage as I have earned, learned and fought to get rid of my tumor in that first chapter of becoming cancer free.
I can see vaguely the light shining as I enter what I'm told are "far less taxing drugs" administered weekly to end chemo in December.

The specialist have yet to all agree and concur as we have really received different opinions and options headed into the next phase the surgery that it can become confusing and difficult as the decisions I make can have a lifetime result or effects that can quickly leave me with little choices.
I will continue to ask questions, read and work through all opinions taking a little from each physician until I arrive at the correct decisions for me.
Its a blessing as I was able to connect and see Gods will clearly in my guidance to my surgeon and oncologist. I do however know and trust I will be led to the well lit path and the correct choices again as I need to not let the confusion and difference of opinion sway me and misguide me.
I have very important choices that ultimately can and will effect my life as I know God will provide and answer our prayers as he has always done.

The struggles currently are from my "mommy side". I know the current  reality as my children need me healthy and to stay on coarse with chemo to end this current phase of treatment. My drive to be disease free at surgery and complete radiation so I walk away a survivor and not look back is the biggest and greatest achievement I will ever do for myself and family!
The difficult part is missing some of my children's achievements this year. My 1st grader has been working on a writing assignment and will read it Thursday. Rob and I think outside the box and he will go record it for me so we can watch it at dinner as a family so Mom gets to see it.
I go to a few football practices and sit on a blanket in the shade away from everyone.
Some of the holidays will be difficult as the preschool Thanksgiving party Daddy too will attend.

When on chemo and a weekly schedule its so important to stay well as my WBC counts go from low to normal often. Even if they are on a normal count day if I get sick a low grade fever 100.4 it can be life threatening on chemo and certainly alter my treatment coarse so I take great precautions. No church as I will send Rob to take them to Sunday school and I pray at home. No elementary schools, preschools, crowds of people or children.
We do have five kids and must have some normalcy as neighborhood kids do come play at my home they just wash their hands. I cant live in a bubble I just cant take unnecessary ricks either.

I look forward to chemo graduation early December and my immune system being intact and celebrating the close of that chapter.
I know next school year as Addy enters kindergarten, Max and I can go have lunch with his big sisters and watch football games from the bleachers. I will really cherish all achievements and personal goals all my children make as I see clearly the gift of life.

My support system is so truly great the blessing is simply humbling.My husband reschedules meetings to attend his children s milestones because their Mom is unable. When I need rest he shuts the door and steps into "big shoes" as five kids are really a two parent job, but God has strengthen him as his ability to sustain a demanding career and take on a second job (mine) is a blessing in itself.
Our 15 year old whom steps up to the plate and helps with his siblings and 11 year old also and is not opposed to changing a diaper.
My parents and siblings, brother in law who work effortlessly to organized a Harley bike run in Florida in October to help with my surgeons portion and radiation bills we will need to prepay thousands. They to in spite of their children, careers, and busy lives spend countless hours to help us.
My caregiver who is God sent and amazing with my 20 month old and children and the car pools as I'm at the doctors or chemo chair.

All the support for meals people drop off and support from friends and neighbors. Woman who offer tips, advice and support who too live with or have survived cancer.
I feel like it really does take a village and due to all levels of great support my recovery is a very efficient machine in all faucets.

I feel Gods grace as well as all my love and support and am so grateful. I pray for the less fortunate and try to lend my support in ways I'm able so they too can heal and recover as I am.

I have an ultrasound Wednesday as I am excited. The first one was used for my diagnosis 7 weeks ago (feels like a life time) and showed that UGLY tumor on the right side of my breast and under arm lymph node.
They are now GONE so I will see normal breast tissue as I have earned it and cant wait to see it!
I will update Wednesday after my ultrasound.
Please know my eye has never left the prize as I will finish this fight and am already victorious  in many ways.

Prayers needed

Please pray My last AC chemo treatment will have mild side effects, my new treatment as well and that I'm not allergic to the new drugs.

Please pray I'm able to make the correct decisions with my upcoming surgery

God Bless and know I pray for all of you

I hope you grab many silver linings and blessings as I do, life is an amazing gift

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It is not the need to restore my faith as it is in place as much as I need to stand back, reflect and pray

As I'm feeling more challenged than often, I take a step back and reflect as life has many lessons for me to learn from, and know God is lighting my path way.

It is difficult to have many specialty physicians whom are all different and differ in opinions~ It becomes confusing as for me I'm the girl who wants it achieved yesterday and off my plate. I do well being armed with factual knowledge and arriving at a decision , so I can acclimate and achieve that goal. As of lately I am experiencing the "data, facts, opinions,has been  studied  and not studied faze in my next step of my mastectomy and reconstruction process.
It is difficult for me personality to have very different opinions any where from A-Z even from the top reconstruction surgeons. My oncologist and mastectomy surgeons have long been decided as God led me to them and my progress is great and my prognosis and life long outcome even greater as God has been clear to Rob and I as to that healing path of this journey.

As for the next step after chemotherapy is a very different and individual decision for any woman with breast cancer. For me personality I made the decision almost immediately that I wanted reconstruction for many personal reasons however, as easy as that decision came it is not so easy to choose from the many choices that are entailed. Some options must be done at the time of the mastectomy if like me you will receive radiation. Chemo has no lasting effects as you do heal and recover. Radiation is very important as it kills any microscopic cells unseen and helps ensure a full life of being cancer free for me. It does however come with a life time of some effects that last forever and can not be undone such as your chest muscle is frozen and will not move any longer. I did choose to have an implant put in however is a long process as a muscle spacer must be put in place at the time of my mastectomy behind my muscle before radiation and gradually  stretched. I will then under go radiation depending on my pathology report at the time of surgery I will know how many weeks will be involved. I will then wear the spacer approximately six months before they are removed and exchanged for a permanent implant.
This process is wear many doctors differ and studies conflict or lack answers. I know what outcome I am seeking just not the coarse or fine tuning of the pathway I will arrive. I meet with a reconstruction surgeon in a few weeks to seek more answers as its a "hurry up and wait" process.

I finish my old chemo regime on 9-5 as the small cracks are showing and the drugs are cumulative and can take their toll. I continue to only have small side effects that I heal quickly from.

I'm excited to begin my new chemo drugs as I'm told are lesser and lesser side effects also so I can close out the chemo process of this journey and beat cancer I never look back!
My new drug taxol can have an allergic reaction so please pray I am not allergic to it and tolerate it well.

I will pray as I do daily and know God is continuing to guide me to make the correct decisions for myself and family and is shining brightly so my path remains well lit!

I will not falter, crumble not even sway as I'm so blessed with more than ample strength and endurance to finish this marathon and be cancer free for my life time!

I not only have pure trust and faith in God I'm blessed with my amazing allies and support  in my husband, children, parents, siblings ,family,friends, neighbors and other cancer warriors I will never be defeated!

Pray for your inner strength and turn it all over to God because when you do it all becomes so very simple!

God Bless and please keep praying for me and my family as it is working and God is listening!

God Bless

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Many decisions made and only a few remain~ My clear plan is coming together under Gods plan and blessings!

II I was 

I was able to sit down with a genetics doctor Friday who explained to us that my lack of  BRACA 1&2 as we know means I have no gene mutation and unable to pass it to my children, (Thanks be to God). It further more enable me to keep my ovaries and tubes at surgery
 I was last told to not be tested for the new PALB2 gene discovered in breast cancer as I do not need to be tested.

I sat with my oncologist and had many questions answered and given new options as well. 
I was told I'm a candidate for a lumpectomy in my right breast only and could leave the left and a large portion on my right. Here are the negatives associated with that. It leaves me with an 30% chance of breast cancer recurring. I would also have to endure many mammograms and surgical biopsies well as the fear of looking over my shoulder and waiting on test results.

With a double mastectomy, I have a less than 7% of my current cancer returning in the first 3 years than much lower and cured at 5 years. I will never need a biopsies nor mammogram or to live in fear and worry. 
Over my life time (living to 90) I have a life time 1.3 % divided by all those years of ever getting another or different cancer! So that's a blessing with triple negative!
It is a easy no brainier" for Rob and I, as we are admitted on having a double mastectomy in December or January. I have over a 65% chance of being cancer free at the time of surgery! I feel God is helping me achieve that goal!
I have the top three "dream team" of an oncologist, surgeon, and reconstructive physicians
 as my doctor yesterday concurred and asked me how did you manage to find us all? I said God lead me to you! He agrees and said God gave him his ability to help others.
My 3rd chemo treatment yesterday was a little more difficult as I was in bed at 7 feeling a tad yucky but slept well and as I prayed about it I feel  back to normal today! 
I only have 1 more treatment on my current drugs as they are the most difficult. 
I have an ultrasound on 9-19 and get to see what we can no longer feel as it will be normal tissue! 
Cant wait. Then I start my new drugs that day so my side effects should be even lesser as I will continue to sail through. 

I'm told the double mastectomy in December I will then have spacers placed and gradually filled the they stay in place approximately 6 months until they are exchange for an implant. I will meet with my plastic- reconstructive  surgeon on  Monday to get a clearer picture and make some decisions as to the path I will take. I am not sure I  want skin graphs nor tissue taken from my body to reconstruct with my own fat, so the implant may be my coarse. How ever a skin sparing mastectomy it   It involves removing the nipple and surrounding areola, and then removing the cancerous breast tissue through the opening. The surgeon leaves most of the breast skin, creating a natural skin envelope that is immediately filled with the patient’s own tissue from another area of the body. The transferred tissue is used to rebuild the shape of your breast, leaving a reconstructed breast that will have the same look and texture as your natural breast. The overall advantage of the skin sparing mastectomy is that it improves the cosmetic outcome and gives the best option for reconstruction.
We will be informed and armed with knowledge and will make that decision as we have time to ponder over it.

Rob and I also made a decision to not have a repeat pet scan in December as my Doctor told us it has no barring on my treatment and all answers will be given through my pathology report and the time of my surgeryI will follow surgery with radiation to ensure we get any microscopic  cells unseen. 
I've said this is a marathon however we have been blessed with may questions answered, doors opened and new found friends, blessings that lead us on the correct path to my full recovery! 

( The photo of my children was taken by T&T Photography and for cancer patients its FREE OF CHARGE!) Tonya the owner is a survivor and an amazing photographer that is paying it forward and helping others! She is also open to the general public! her email is

God bless 

Please keep up the prayers! They are working!

As always if you can help with my mountain of medical bills or precipitations my medical account link is above

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Some questions are meant to be answered and some God has the answers as I trust in him~

Modern 21st century medicine is not an exact science. Do not get me wrong I appreciate the era I live in and the access to knowledge, physicians, and modern medicine. It does vary however and ultimately my husband and I are able to study the facts and make decisions as well to assist in my recovery. Just a year ago in trails was carboplatin discovered to improve TNBC (triple negative breast cancer) percentages at the time of surgery to be cancer and margin free. The goal at my mastectomy time is to take as few lymph nodes as possible so my chances for lymphedema are much lower. Lymphedema can occur anytime after surgery (years later) and is incurable, it causes swelling in the arm tissue but they do have treatments. The fewer lymph nodes  they remove is the goal.
My entire TNBC journey is a road full of stepping stones and stairs to gradually climb, as it is a marathon the I must pace myself and will inevitability win.
It is a gradual discovery of answers, knowledge, achievement of milestones, miracles, blessings every step I make along the way.

I thought that originality I had a tumor around 3.7 cm and one lymph node under my arm at biopsy time, then the pet scan showed three hot spots (very small) around my upper ribs (in my breast tissue) . I thought the hots spots where cancer. I am told by an oncologist they very well may not be. They are very difficult to biopsy and not really relative only for staging.  My stage lllc or if the hot spots did not show and where never part of my staging I would still receive the same treatment so for me its interesting but not relative. The only way to know for sure is to have a repeat pet scan in December. If the hot spots show then we know they where never cancer, and if they are gone then we know they where. The pet scan is the one that requires radio active dye and I can not be around children for 24 hours. I do not want to put that in my body again to answer a question that is not important nor does it  pertain to my recovery. I will receive another ultra sound soon to get a look as I'm excited to not see the tumor I originally saw, and to physically see what we no longer feel and to see  normal looking breast from my excellent chemo response.
I have responded so well to chemo after my second treatment the doctor can no longer feel my tumor nor lymph node. Thanks be to God! and GOOD RIDDANCE!

I am told my current chemo drugs are the most difficult to endure and with my good tolerance, lack of nausea  fatigue, and many other side effects this is par for my coarse. As my new chemo drugs in September that are administered weekly as far better tolerated so I will continue to sail through. Gods blessing, and his giving me strength and endurance to sustain normality and ability to be a mother and win my marathon.

As we receive answers to questions there is more to discover as it is a gradual process. We meet with my doctor on Friday and then with a plastic surgeon (reconstruction specialty surgeon) on Monday.
That will enable Rob and I to then sit down and make some decisions next week as to the path to sustain and God is leading us down toward my full recovery.
There are unknowns by us (God knows) that will not be answered until January (surgery time). Once my surgeon and pathologist during my mastectomy test my original under arm lymph node and we see how few need to be removed then we see a radiologist to determine how many weeks of radiation I'm given.
Once radiation is complete at some point I will then have an additional surgery to have my spacer removed, implant put in, a nipple made from my skin, and then tattooed for color. A mastectomy removes all breast tissue and nipples to ultimately achieve a life time result of  being cancer free and no recurrence. Spacers are placed behind the muscle as you have no breast to hold an implant in place. Spacers are gradually filled with saline over a period of time to stretch the muscle and make room for the implant.
I'm told the end result looks beautiful and natural. The key is to choose the best oncologist, surgeon, and reconstructive surgeon and radiologist team you can. I am very blessed in my  "dream team" God has lead me to.

I have minor hiccups as my WBC (white blood cell count was a bit low yesterday) so I was given an additional neupogen shot and it will bring my WBC count up  as it works quickly so I can have my chemo treatment Friday.
The key is after chemo to take your anti nausea medicine, rest at night, if you get that "metal tastes in your mouth" get mints or tic tac's and they are very helpful. If you get mouth sores ask your doctor for a prescription of "magic mouth rinse" it works.  Be proactive and stay on top of your side effects. Be positive, your mental attitude will take you far and really helps in your recovery .Do NOT believe what you read on the internet. Pray and trust in God as he is carrying you too. Know cancer is NOT a death sentence by any means and your prognosis is good and it is treatable and curable. I'm sailing through this journey and "ROCK IN" chemo with 5 kids and you can too!

I continue to be optimist and excited about my future and life and have no fear as I'm so blessed every step of the way. God is great and so are all you angels in my life and I have met and continue to meet on my journey.
Life is full of great blessings every single day. I will attend at my children s graduations, football games, dance recitals, weddings, and hold their hands, guide them through all the milestones and celebrations in life. I will make a full recovery and take the knowledge and strength from this journey to help others. My life is a gift and a blessing I will enjoy everyday.
I will update over the weekend as I'm awaiting my doctors appointment of Friday and my chemo treatment #3 of 4 on my current drugs them 9-18 new drugs. Excited to be almost done on my first regimen.

God Bless -beat-cancer

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gods Will and his path he intends for me, I have complete faith in him~

When I received my initial diagnosis of triple negative stage lll breast cancer I was told there was  no time to spare and make haste to my oncologist office, that I must start chemo as I have a very aggressive breast cancer.
I have undergone pet scans, MRI's, mugga scans, lab work, biopsies, pathology, DNA testing, and complete medical clearance just to be able to begin chemo treatments.
I have only met my oncologist once when he gave me my treatment plan and a substantial 16 chemo treatments.
At that time not only did Rob or I have a clear vision of "Gods Will" and his plan for me nor did my oncologist.
After only two chemo treatments I can no longer find or feel my tumor at all! (Gods miracle given to me!)

Now that I have responded so well to treatment and no significant side effects to speak of my journey on my road to recovery is very promising!

I am currently experiencing my week off from chemo and by God speaking to me have decide to utilize my time wisely and go see an additional oncologist Monday. We feel it will be an additional blessing to have another oncologist review all my tests, my ability to respond so well to chemo, my treatment regimen and plan.

I will then sit down with my oncologist later this month and have him review and compare notes if you will so Rob and I can continue to make the decisions God is leading us towards and my full recovery. My goal is to finish my chemo regimen in November so I can heal and enjoy the holidays with my children and be completely healthy during my mastectomy in January.
If we decided to not stray from my current treatment plan I remain stead fast in my faith in God that he is giving my doctors knowledge and guidance along with Rob and I to make the correct choices and remain on the current path to recovery.

I had a lady say to me your mastectomy will be the greatest pain you will even endure, and another woman say you will not be able to hold or hug your children.
My response was God has given me the ability and strength to endure all! God has mercury and strengthens me and I will not live in fear. My children will too continue to feel love if I cant hold them its only for  a short while. My children know God will be holding them as he always has!

Once I make a full recovery I plan on starting a cancer support group for all survivors, current patients and family members. I plan on sitting down with my pastor and assisting in helping others as God would have me do. I will also be donating my DNA to research as I want to help others in the fight  to win against cancer!

I have the privilege to of met and continue to meet such amazing people on my journey I feel so blessed.

Please take note of my raffle to assist in my medical payments and prescriptions~ Info below

God Bless

Lots of gift cards and prizes!

 The proceeds will go to a Medical Fund to help pay for treatment.

Date: August 16th
Time: 2 pm
Location: Royal Berry cul-de-sac (in front of my house)

Pizza party is free.
Raffle tickets are $10 per ticket.
You can buy a raffle ticket anytime during or before the party.
You do not have to be present to win.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend the free pizza party!!!
Melissa Faulkner at or 612-4719.

Monday, August 11, 2014

I see clearly my problems are lesser than so many others whom my prayers reach out to the less fortunate

I have always said money can easily come and go in life but If you and your family are healthy you do not have any problems!

My hair is falling out by the handfuls, so I shaved it! (wigs, ball caps)

I'm not sleeping well from medications some nights, so I get up and get things accomplished

My taste buds and smell are almost non existent due to chemo, so I eat anyways

We do not have the money for medical bills and large prepayments required, so we are still able to feed our kids

Everyday I wake up I enjoy smelling the fresh air, and hearing my children laugh. The way they feel when I  hold them. I enjoy watching them change and grow and to know I'm blessed with a great prognosis to beat cancer and win my life back. I'm blessed with the privilege of being a mother and do not feel as I'm looking at mortality, I do have the blessing of a second chance at life and all the wonderful prospects entailed!

I find myself having no complaints as all are so minor in the scheme of it all, as hair, breasts, money and fiancees are not relative! God will provided and I am grateful of his will and blessings bestowed on myself and family.

There are so many people with struggles far greater than I that I feel they are my inspiration as God does not give you anything that you do not have the strength to endure!
My heart and prayers go out to all the less fortunate people as they too have God carry them through their struggles.

Everyday I wake up I choose to be grateful and happy! I choose to see all the rainbows and silver linings no matter how big or small!
I choose to be the best mother, wife,daughter,sister,niece,aunt,friend and neighbor I know how to be. I choose to give everyday my all and best and to not let any of the "little things" weigh me down or get in my way!

My hopes are together in prayer we will lift the unfortunate people,

God Bless

Saturday, August 9, 2014

For me it's all about being grateful and positive as it breeds positive results! I feel so blessed!

My second chemo was far better than my 1st! For me its about "fine tuning" my medications and that was the key to sailing through my chemo treatment! Prayers have been contentiously answered and my ability to be a mother, my children not be frighten, and my younger ones have that have pure faith Mommy will beat cancer and make a full recovery is a blessing.

My 1st chemo I had a few hiccups as not taking my anti nausea meds soon enough and taking too many neupogen (white blood cell enhancer shots to help your immune system). Normal WBC is approximately (10-4) as my WBC shot up to 30 and caused bone aches and a migraine. The side effects soon passed and I was able to feel much better quickly.

My 2nd chemo treatment I was able to take my anti nausea meds at home quickly and with Gods grace it worked! I feel very good and was able to keep up with my kids. I will also back off two neupogen shots when they start tomorrow and am confident God will answer my prayer so it will be the correct amount to keep my WBC up with out any side effects!

Chemo through December than a double mastectomy and five week radiation regimen is not a easy nor a  short path for anyone however God is carrying myself and family and is giving us the strength and perseverance to sail through it and become cancer free!

From the beginning of this journey it has been such an enlightening experience. From having such amazing people in my and my families lives to having the privilege of meeting even more special people we now call friends.
Being blessed with so many blessings and miracles and insight to make the correct decisions and walking on the path I'm meant too.

Having the strength and ability to concur chemo and sustain energy is wonderful as I continue to help others on my journey to recovery and remain on my "new normal" regimented but still have the stamina to help my family!

This journey not only has enabled me to pay it forward and help others it has also opened up my entire perspective on my life and Gods will to direct and keep me on his path!

God has given me more patience's with my children, and more quality time with them. God has enabled  my family to strengthen an already strong bond to now create a steal bond. My marriage has always been a gift as I'm blessed to not only call Rob my best friend but to know he's my soul mate. My children are taking all positives and becoming pro active and remain strong. Our oldest child said "Anytime our family has been under any restraint in life we fuse together concur it and become an even stronger unit"!
My bond with my parents, sister, brother, niece,aunts, and immediate family  has always been strong, and now it too has turned to steel!

I feel so blessed today and every day and hope you too take all positives and blessings on your journeys!
I remain strong, positive, and stead fast in faith.

I am well on my way to beating caner and making a full recovery!

Please continue to keep myself and family on your prayer lists and uplifted in your prayers as they are working!

God Bless

Thursday, August 7, 2014

It is not my intent to make Brest Cancer look easy~ My journey is unique and individual for me~

I have spoken of my initial  diagnosis and of my brief fear of the unknown, once I had the knowledge of my cancer all prayers where answered as God instilled an pure inner peace and my sheer will and drive to not only have no fear but to concur cancer as well. I too have experienced mild side effects as once I started chemo it was simply “fine tuning” and adjusting medications to control any side effects of chemo.

It was another blessing  for me that I still look and feel healthy and have only had small bouts of mild side effects and am truly still energetic and my life all tho different is pretty close to what I call my “new normal”. I to have the insight to know after treatment I will be given the gift of my life and the ability to walk away from this monster victorious with all the new knowledge and clear vision of my lifes purpose is a miracle in its self!

I choose to not waist any of the gifts bestowed on myself and family as it’s a privilege to be a mother and to be given a second chance if you will. I am currently paying it forward and helping others while in treatment, so once I'm whole and completely recovered just watch me go! I plan on stepping it up a few notches and to reiterate to God that I am truly grateful and I clearly see the path he intends for me!

I always appreciate the knowledge  from survivors or people with chemo experience they share with me, however their journey is unique to them .I never become frighten as any side effects and uncertainty of their journey is theirs alone.I have found my journey to be bursting with positive’s and my personal positives have been 99.9% full of silver linings and blessings.

The 1 percent I choose and have chosen long before my breast cancer diagnosis to not entertain or allow to interfere or influence mine or my children s lives! You cant change nor fix toxic evil people or situations, so my family chooses to grasp all positives and remain in the company of you Christians and amazing people!

My life is about teaching my children to be productive, giving contributors to society and to help others on their own life's journey! For them to be strong in their faith  and always know God is too guiding them! To believe in their inner strength, and that “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us”

I am on my way to my second chemo treatment today and am confident that it too will be very productive in killing all my cancer! I feel God holding my hand and trust in him my side effects will continue to be mild and the chemo will continue to assist me in achieving my full recovery to be cancer free! God is great and so are all you angels among us! I'm a very blessed lady to call you friends and family!

My silver lining today is “Robs friend in Oklahoma has returned to church after a long absence due to my sharing my journey” As he says if  Heather can remain so positive and stead fast in her faith I feel Gods calling me.  And included me to their prayer list!

God Bless and please keep me lifted in prayer as its working!

If you are able to help with my medical and prescription bills please

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

MY Tribute to all you angels! This is my first collage of memories!

I am putting together this collage for a keep sake and for my children so they to will have a full insight as to all you amazing people that helped our family and their mother on my road to recovery and beating breast cancer! You will always be a part of our family!

All you angels among us are the reason I write my blog and you enable, and inspire me and assist in my recovery! Myself, husband and children thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the meals, support and prayers!

The countless prayer list from all over North Carolina and Florida

The uplifting cards

The phone calls of support and survivors

The people who sign up on meal train and bring us meals

My neighbor that assist with getting my children to school and helping me with meal train,  finding a mothers helper, and much more!


Hi Mrs. Fox,
I'm sorry to hear of your news, however if anyone can beat this, it's YOU!  While I do not know you personally, I do believe that you are a fighter,

and a true believer in our Savior.  I'm sure that you do have many angels among you, because you are indeed an angel yourself.  I have always enjoyed

our chats, because you are so optimistic and you're one funny lady.  If there is anything that you need, do not hesitate at all to let me know.  I

will be praying for you, your family and I'm more than happy to help in anyway that I can.

Thank you for letting me know and be blessed.


So happy to hear positive news Heather Fox! God is so Awesome! We MUST have faith in Him and He will take care of us!! Stay strong and Ronnie & I are

continuing to pray for you and your family and YOU will WIN this battle!! Im sooo Proud of you and your mental strength - It's NOT easy and I know you

are scared and exhausted.....but your kids & hubby need you and you need them!! Stay strong my sweet friend - We Love You!!

Baby girl you are amazing my warrior I love you and so amazed by your strength . Heavenly Father has you wrapped in his arms and using this cancer of

yours to share the word of Christ you are that disciple planting seeds daily sharing your journey with us all so proud of you my niece

Please read and join in with prayer for my friend Heather Fox as she fights the gallant fight against Breast Cancer. This is one courageous mom, wife and friend. Her words inspire pure and simple. Keep on kicking butt Heather Fox!!!!

My neighbor the other day told Lindsay and I we were very calm with Kaylie's pending birth just around the corner. Your positive and take control of

your destiny approach to the daily challenges you face are an inspiration to us and help cut out the fear we may otherwise have. I know you are a

great help to others as well.
Keep up the great work. We are praying for you, and know you'll continue to handle it with the grace and beauty that you always do.
You have so much to be proud of, and so much more good to give to this world!
Keep kicking butt and taking names, girl!

Praise Heavenly Father he has you in his arms heather truly!

Beautiful news and wonderful work of God! Love you!!!!!

Some days at work suck. Then I have the customers that make it worth while. Thank you for making my days awesome  that includes you, Heather!

Heather, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

Praying for you and your family. I love your positive outlook. You are going to beat cancer and come out an even stronger woman. God will carry you

through. Love from our family to yours

Many hugs kisses and lots of love to you lady!!! You are rocking it!

You continue to inspire me daily  Love and prayers for all of you daily

I hope everything goes well. Tell your husband to buy some ice cream. It's one of the few things that won't taste yucky. Hang in there!

Thinking if you! Will drop off your dinner tomorrow. Just let me know when you will be home.

Praying for you sweet girl

You have a big heart, and a wonderful heart and a smart brain.

You will Heather you are the sweetest and strongest woman I know

 Be strong and be well, our prayers are with you!

So sorry she has to grow through this but she will come out healthy and stronger.Many prayers and very positive thoughts!:)

Your right, Sunday. Heather will kick cancer's butt.

I love these beautiful women and I'm so lucky to have them in my life

Just heard from Heather Fox, the dear cousin of mine that we have been fasting and praying for. It turns out that she does have cancer, but I fully

believe in the power of prayer and know that it works. She is facing six long months of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Please do not stop

praying for Heather and her family as this is going to be a trying time for all of them, however the doctors do believe that she will be able to

attend her children's weddings someday, and knowing this strong mother of five who has already seen many miracles, I believe it. Heather Fox we are

all praying with and for you.

Heather, I go to Ctk and have been in SS with you and your husband. Just wanted you to know how sorry I am that you are having to fight this battle.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hey, beautiful! I just read that you have breast cancer.
As far as you having cancer, I am certain that you've received more than your share of "advice", so I won't bombard you with more. Your positive-

thinking attitude is right where it should be.

Hey Heather. I've seen your story in facebook. I am a cancer survivor and know exactly what your feeling right now.  Id love to come pray with you if

you feel up to it. We can also set you guys uo on a meal plan from our church to help with meals during this time. Know you have people around you to

help carry this with you and your family.

Good morning FB friends and family.My neighbor/ friend was diagnosed with breast cancer this week. Today she is having scan to make sure the cancer

has not spread. Please pray for her and her family. She has 5 wonderful kids and a great husband. Chemo, surgery and radiation is the treatment plan.

Prayers, positive thoughts. Heather Fox is one of the most energetic people I know. #willbeatthis

Sending good vibes your way. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Always you and family r in my prayers love u Heather so much

Oh my goodness. Know her from gymnastics, and praying for her. Such a great mommy!

Cancer doesn't stand a chance

It's not fun, but I ironically felt quite blessed knowing how good my chances of survival were compared to many in the infusion center. You've got


Keep you head up! The infusion room was rough for me the first few times...just know you can and will beat have an army praying for you.

Just like Ashley and I were saying,if anybody can do it,it's ya sweetie,always in my prayers

You will Heather you are the sweetest and strongest woman I know

 Keep up your good spirits! We're all thinking of you and want you be get well Sooooon!

I work with your father in Jacksonville and want to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I wish you the best and love the idea

that you are recording your journey so that it may help others and yourself as well. YOU ARE SO BRAVE!!!! GOOD LUCK HUN!!! SO MANY PRAYERS COMING YOUR


Strongest person I know. We will conquer this and grow together. I love you more than you could know. -Ashley

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Miracles have been plentiful and the blessings are rolling in!

I was told my tumor would show little to no shrinkage after my fist chemo treatment as it takes a few to several to see substantial shrinkage.
My tumor has shrank in HALF after only one chemo treatment and is not the typical response after only one treatment. God's Will!
My white blood cells also remain high as my immune system is intact and is doing well also.

Every step I've taken on this journey has been no coincidence as God is leading me and holding my hand!
I have been guided from the beginning of my journey from being lead by faith to my oncologist who is a leader and knowledgeable in the newest most effective strides and cures in triple negative breast cancer.
My surgeon who many consider to be one of the best, not only extremely thorough in mastectomy's also leaves little to no scars.
My reconstruction surgeon as well who has a vast knowledge in reconstruction after breast cancer and to pays it forward by supporting breast cancer charities.
From the beginning when my sons dresser that feel on me and lead me to discover my tumor was no accident. ( A friend told me an Angel pushed it over on me).

Every minor hiccup or bump along the road I have been bestowed the strength and endurance to bull doze over and blow through as I continue to climb even as I have help being pulled upward I am achieving it all in stride.

My chemo regime remains the same currently in spite of my tumors shrinkage due to "chemo guide lines"
and my goal I have no doubt I will fly into becoming cancer free at my time of surgery in January.

Cancer is smart and once it realizes the drug or drugs are killing it, cancer can change!
So my chemo drugs all tho very effective as we can see (Thanks be to God) will change yet again in mid September so I can finish off my cancer and ensure the last chemo regimen through December kills any micro cells we can not detect or see.

My faith remains steadfast  and I have won yet another battle in this war for my life as I have and will continue to do so.

Please continue to pray for myself as I still have 15 chemo secession's, surgery and radiation ahead of me.

I need prayers that my health sustains through chemo, and mild side effects so I may be a mother to my children.



Saturday, August 2, 2014

We are all on different journeys but closely connected

I see the families, friends, loved ones, survivors, children, and am told of the many that have lost the battle.
The club none of us ever wanted to join, however find our selves fighting for our lives, fighting for our children, loved ones, families and friends.

My personal journey is  truly filled with  so many angels among us, amazing people, family and friends. Its been full of such pure blessings in Gods gift to bestow my inner strength, mental peace and pure resolve to not only have faith, but to feel in my soul that I will be a survivor and I'm meant to help others.
Its en-powering to feel strength and resolve to be given an gift of  "the ability to help others" and the determination to do so.

When you arrive at this point regardless of how you arrive its enlightening and humbling to say the very least.
I have had more miracles bestowed on myself through this journey, and the privilege of meeting such amazing selfless people I am renewed and inspired.

I had a conversation with a physician and friend of mine and Robs. He said to me he is also a cancer survivor and how humbling it is for him as it reminds him of where he comes from. He too pays it forward daily in helping others and is yet another angel among us that inspires me to help others also.

The following are facts not intend to frighten, my intent is to get you to do monthly breast exams and have annual check ups!

I had a normal breast exam a few months prior to finding my lump. (Lump was not detected prior)
Thus its important to do monthly breast exams!

My cancer even tho you can feel it can NOT be seen on a mammogram (as some breast cancers can not)
It can only be detected/seen on an ultrasound

Men are currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer at my oncologist

Breast cancer and cancer in general is on the rise 40% in the last ten years and striking even younger people

Breast cancer in new diagnosis WITH NO FAMILY HISTORY of cancer (like myself) is on the rise

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer! DO YOUR EXAMS! EARLY DETECTION IS KEY!

My battles won have been God's will as I will not disappoint him!

I continue to make strides in my recovery and journey to be cancer free!

My tumor after only one chemo treatment has already changed and is a great towards my recovery!

I will update Monday after my doctors appointment as I gear up for round 2 of chemo next week.

Please continue to pray the chemo has mild side effects and is very effective , as I have a long journey of 15 more to go as it continues through  mid December. I hear it builds and can make you weaker as I have no fear. God will continue to bless me with perseverance and good health!

I am only doing one fund raiser to help with my prescriptions and mounting out of pocket medical bills

 If you can purchase a raffle ticket please do!
The flyer is in my previous blog!

God Bless and please go "pay it forward and help other"

Thank you for all the prayers and support it's working"!