Sunday, July 20, 2014

I will take all positives from this journey and help others!

I feel over whelmed financially as my health insurance requires me to pay 6350 out of pocket then I have a 30% co insurance and high prescription costs not covered and I'm only at the beginning of my road to recovery. My treatment plan will carry me to April 2015 so yet another 6350 in January to yet pay again. I had a required PET SCAN Friday that cost 4750 and I owe 30% of that. Most of my upfront treatment (will not bill me) and we are required to pay our part of front. With five kids it takes what we make as we don't have discretionary income Money should not be my concern and how I will purchase a prescription but sadly in our era of poor insurance it is. I do not want my 5 children to lose our home because we are paying for my treatment and cant pay our mortgage. I have peace knowing God will provide and I will make a full recovery after my long road and battle. If you are able to help financially please do as myself and children thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Our go fund me if you are able to contribute is

Please know I have peace in knowing I will survive my breast cancer and walk away a survivor! I will go on to form a support group and help others. 
I will raise my children to be strong and know that life is about taking any challenge no matter how big or small and turning it into a positive to grow strong, and help others! 
I will take from this journey all great things and positives experiences and knowledge to move closer to recovery and share with others! 
I will not allow any negatives to win over me! God is great and so are all you angels among us! 
I'm ready to fight as I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life!
I will walk away cancer free and I will spend the rest of my long life helping others and raising my children to do so as well!

Please keep praying for a negative brain scan, my heart to look great and for  very successful chemo! 


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