Sunday, December 27, 2015

I am anxiously anticipating 2016 to hold many more opportunity's to reach, grow, and help others "I had cancer, cancer did NOT have me!'

Its  December, and as I approach the closing of 2015 I reflect on what a wonderful year it was. I anticipate 2016 to bring health, happiness, new friends, blessings, and the opportunity for myself to continue to be an advocate and help others.

When I was diagnosed in July 2014 with stage 3 TNBC I did not even remotely have any indicator what would be in store ahead of me. I felt and looked completely healthy, even as I accidentally stumbled upon a large lump on the right side of my breast I still did not conceive I had breast cancer. Even as my GYN doctor examined me and my large lump on my breast, she assured me it would be benign (non cancerous) as she reassured me it felt like a cyst. As I went in without my husband, by myself to have my annual mammogram the next day to check what I was told would be a cyst I was ill prepared and truly feel there simply is no way to imagine nor grasp what was in store. My tumor was not detected on the four mammograms that I was given that day, even tho it was large and could be palpitated. The radiologist quietly came out of her office at 5 pm that Friday afternoon and said lets go into the ultrasound room. As I laid on the table I thought of the nurses and staff that should be leaving to start their weekend with their children and family's, but instead volunteered to stay late for me. When the radiologist completed my ultrasound and inserted the needle to take a biopsy and turned to me a said "I am inserting the titanium ribbons for the surgeon, I knew then I did not need to wait for the formal pathology report to confirm on Monday that I had breast cancer. 
As the initial shock wore off, each scan, every test, meeting my oncologist and surgeon I felt my resolve become stronger. My perseverance and trust in God carried me, as I never felt cancer would take my life and my precious time away from watching my children grow. 

"I had cancer, cancer did NOT have me!

I made a choice to use this as a defining moment, turn my circumstance into reaching out helping others, teaching my children the power of faith and a positive attitude, that you can concur any of life's unforeseen events or tragedies. Its always a choice, you do have the ability to turn any situation into a positive one that not only do you gain knowledge you gain strength from it as well.  

I have turned breast cancer into an opportunity to help others, and not only has it made me stronger it has been full of silver linings, hope,faith, strength as well. 

When I reflect on the chemo treatments, my three surgeries, and physical scars, I never once feel sorrow or sadness. I have been given a gift from this journey to have my voice heard to tell others God is great every day, as he has bestowed a miracle to restore my health. I beat TNBC stage 3 and you can defeat any and all of life's unforeseen events too! 

I had the privilege to meet both Samantha and Kyle Busch who continue to help others suffering with breast cancer as they advocate and pay it forward. 
With my New Balance Survivor award came an opportunity to help raise just under a million dollars for Susan Komen charity.
I have sat down with a  large pharmaceutical company in hopes they will  discover new drugs and treatments to help others diagnosed with cancer. 
I have taken part of a world wide web cam for a research team in hopes of minimizing effects of treatments and giving insight of my journey that led me to concur and defeat breast cancer. 
I have donated all of my breast tissue and DNA to medical research, so they may continue to climb toward finding a cure. 

When people in public yell or frown, treat me poorly, the hospital and physician bills are too great, as my insurance policy will no longer offer coverage to myself and 5 kids. Our rates climb 35% for lesser coverage and higher copay's. Whatever stress at that moment in life holds, I reflect on my many silver linings as i'm alive in that moment, cancer free with the ability to make a choice as I smile. I have a true sense of whats important in life now and not letting the "small stuff" weight me down or effect my demeanor. I cant change or control life's unforeseen events, but I can control my ability to smile and push through them.

I am anxiously anticipating 2016 to hold many more opportunity's to reach, grow, and help others. All the laughter with my children, good health and blessings. Gods got it all under control and I trust in him.

I pray 2016 finds you and your family peace, love, blessings, and countless smiles!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

I prevailed and beat Triple Negative Breast Cancer ~you too can against any of life's diversity's or struggles if you simply do your best.

Words to live by~

 Pain is part of growing. When life closes doors, it’s time to move forward.  Some won’t move unless circumstances force them to. When times are tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you. Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing. Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there. Its in Gods time not ours. Stay patient and stay positive. You will prevail. Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you. When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow.
 Everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you get hurt, you heal. After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but still some often forget, and instead choose to believe that the night will last forever. It won’t. Nothing lasts forever.So if things are good right now, enjoy it. It won’t last forever. If things are bad, don’t worry because it won’t last forever either. Just because life isn’t easy at the moment, doesn’t mean you can’t laugh. Just because something is bothering you, doesn’t mean you can’t smile. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. You get a second chance, every second. You just have to make the best of it.
 Worrying and complaining changes nothing. Those who complain the most, accomplish the least. It’s always better to attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. It’s not over if you’ve lost; it’s over when you do nothing but complain about it. If you believe in something, keep trying. Don’t let the past darken the doorstep of your future. Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any brighter. Take action instead. Let what you’ve learned improve how you live. Make a change and never look back.And regardless of what happens in the long run, remember that true happiness begins only when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.
 Your scars are symbols of your strength. Don’t ever be ashamed of the scars life has left you with. A scar means the hurt is over and the wound is closed. It means you conquered the pain, learned a lesson, grew stronger, and moved forward. A scar is the tattoo of a triumph to be proud of. Don’t allow your scars to negatively impact your life, and to make you live in fear. You can start seeing your scars as a sign of strength and not pain. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most powerful characters in this great world are seared with scars. See your scars as a sign of “YES! I MADE IT! I survived and I have my scars to prove it! And now I have a chance to grow even stronger.”
Every struggle is a step forward.
In life, patience is not about waiting; it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard on your dreams, knowing that the hard work is worth it. So if you’re going to try, put in the time and go all the way. Otherwise, there’s no point in starting. This could mean losing stability and comfort for a while, and maybe even your mind on occasion. It could mean not living life the way you except to.  It could mean stretching your comfort zone. It could mean making  sacrifices. Everything else is a test of your determination, of how much you really want it. I tell my children "Do not tell me you cant" Its means you wont, because if you want it "you can and will prevail". If you want it, you’ll do it, When you work hard towards your goals and dreams, the rewards are very gratifying, and it was all well worth it. So if you’re going to try, go all the way, and give your best. 
 Other people’s negativity is not your problem. Be positive when negativity surrounds you. Smile when others are negative. When other people treat you poorly, keep being you and move on, its not you its a direct reflection of them. Don’t ever let someone mistreat you, or change the person you are. You can’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you. They do things because of them.Don’t ever change for anyone. Change because it makes you a better person and leads you to a brighter future. People are going to talk regardless of what you do or how well you do it. So worry about yourself before you worry about what others think. If you believe strongly in something, don’t be afraid to fight for it. Great strength comes from overcoming what others think is impossible. Life is short and we only live once.  Do what makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile, often.
What’s meant to be will, BE. True strength comes when you have circumstances to cry and complain about, but you smile and appreciate your blessings and see all the positives in your life instead. There are blessings  in every struggle, but we have to be willing to open our hearts and minds to see them. We can’t force things to happen as we have no control, trust in God. At some point you have to let go and let what’s meant to be, BE. In the end, loving your life is about trusting your intuition, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, cherishing the memories, and learning through experience, and maintain faith. It’s a long-term journey. You have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting . Laugh, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life. You might not end up exactly where you intended to go, but you will eventually arrive precisely where you need to be. 
The best thing you can do is to keep going. Don’t be afraid to get back up – to try again, to love again, to live again, and to dream again. Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart. Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. There will be times when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. When you feel like quitting, remember that sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right. Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best.
Yes, life is tough, but we are tougher. Find strength,courage and be positive. Don’t stress over things we can’t change. Live,love,be truthful to your self. Work diligently. And even if you fall short, keep going, as we are always growing. Grab silver linings and help others. You mental positive attitude is 80% of any battle won. 
I prevailed and beat Triple Negative Breast Cancer stage 3c. After my diagnosis I simply was not going to entertain it. I was going to come out swinging, and fight with all I had, remain positive, grateful, and wipe it off my plate. I prevailed as you too can against any of life's diversity's or struggles if you simply do your best.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I conquered TNBC I am a survivor from all of life's circumstances and chose to gather all strength from life's defining moments.

It never fails to surprise me when people or organizations make the wrong choices or miss the mark, as my disappointment is present. I pray sometimes for a "thicker skin" or the ability to turn off my feelings and simply say, its not my problem. That is simply not who I am, and I never seem to lack in opinions, strong emotions or compassion. Both my weakness and my strengths, I whole heartily believe is what gives me the ability and drive to help others and have my voice heard. I feel strongly in utilizing my own talents to reach out and help to the fullest ability that I am able. My husband read a quote from a book that came from a large study. It referred to "life changing or altering events". Examples where from prisoners of war, soldiers who faced tragedy, and cancer patients. The findings where very interesting, as it listed three types of behavior from survivors.Those who where permanently disrupted, either became  negative, lost hope, or frightened,worried often even after their circumstance improved.
Those who got their life back to normal, maintained faith and hope became stronger, and remained positive.
 Or those who used it as a defining moment, turned the circumstance into helping others, making a positive change and difference in not only themselves, but others as well.

I have Triple Negative Cancer survivors like myself reach out to me, and healthy people who have no association with cancer and say:
Thank you Heather for sharing your story... "Your positive mindset and attitude is contagious and enhances both yours and others lives! "  

Your approach to this topic is unique and informative. I am writing an article for our school paper and this post has helped me. Thanks.

I have read this and I must say this is the best I feel about being Tnbc .. I am living in fear every day .. I breath cancer 24/7 it never leaves my mt mind .. I have had lumpectomy grade 3 , 3 cm tumor , clear margins , no lymph node involvement . 4 more weekly taxol left , and still feel defeated by Tnbc until now ... Thank you xxxx

Good for you Heather Fox! We are lucky to have such devoted survivor to advocate for us! Thank you!

When I write I share very private emotions, physical surgeries, what I endured and how I prevailed and beat TNBC stage 3 is because I want to give hope. I want to ease fear, I want my being positive to be contagious, and I want to help others!
When I lost both of my breasts, I gained such strength, and the pure blessing of a positive perspective. 
When I am often asked if  I'm scared cancer will return, my reply is never. I do not live with what If's ever. It that was the case I would throw my car keys in a basket and quit driving. What if there was an unforeseen car crash, or life event beyond our control? That is a waist of my energy to devote any of my thoughts and time to. I do not worry about my debit due to my medical treatments and bills, God will provide. I do not worry about others actions or things beyond my control. I grab silver linings everyday. I enjoy my children and family, and I reach out to others regardless of what my circumstances may be and do my best to help.

What if we smiled everyday, reached out to help others, lived our life to the best of our abilities, gifts, and talents?
What if we prayed to the only one who has control (God) and had faith?

I am a survivor from all of life's circumstances and I chose to gather all strength from life's defining moments.

I conquered TNBC stage 3 and you too can prevail!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

I feel passionately for any task I choose, or is placed in my life I can and will achieve, and conquer all. Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

I have always been fiercely independent, a self motivator, strong willed, outgoing, as I don't know a stranger. I do not like boundaries or limitations set, or to be told "no" you cant. As I feel passionately for any task I choose, or is placed in my life I can and will achieve, and conquer all. Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”

I graduated high school a year ahead of myself, I turned seventeen in April and graduated in May a month later. This placed me on my path that inevitability led me to become the wife, mother,my life, and person I am today.I moved out of my parents home at seventeen, rented an apartment, waited tables, paid my own bills,  started nursing school and graduated when I was twenty years old. My childhood was wonderful and happy, and my parents are responsible for helping me achieve my goals and dreams. My moving out so young was never a reflection on my childhood, it was a reflection of my independence. In some ways I was very mature in maintaining good grades, a job, and balancing bills and adult life. In other ways reflecting back I was so young to be on my own, but God was always guiding me.
I graduated as a  nurse by the age of twenty. I took a job at a welfare medicaid hospital and took care of very young many children themselves pregnant, scared girls. Many who found themselves in less than desirable situations, as I always treated them with compassion and gave my all to them. That short year I worked for that hospital I grew by leaps and bounds, and had my eyes opened to life's unforeseen events. It gave me strength, and a completely different perspective in life.
I was offered a nursing job in Orlando Florida, as it was three hours from my parents and family. I moved and it lead me to my husband as I met him at the young age of twenty one. At that age, we have been extremely blessed to of grown together, be best friends ,given five healthy, smart kids whom will enhance society, and we are a strong family twenty one years later. As all my experiences in my life, both negative and positive have set the platform for not only myself but my children as a part of who we are today.

When I was diagnosed with stage 3C TNBC breast cancer it was my perspective to be merely a bump in the road. I knew in my soul it would not take my amazing life from me or my family, as it is not my time. I was determined to fight my hardest with all I had to eliminate it, get it off my plate, restore my health, and return to normalcy. I was going to endure the minimal, push through, do well in all treatments,and not let any aspect of cancer steal my time with my family or my happiness. I achieved a complete PCR (no cancer found) in one short year and was triumphant. I have an excellent prognosis and chose to never look back. I only carry strength, positive lessons, and true blessing in all I have met forward with me. 

I had a woman say to me "How can you and others say you kicked cancers ass when it could come back?" 
Everyday you are cancer free and healthy you have kicked it's ass! 
We have no control in life's unforeseen events! You can be in a car accident or any other freak accident at any moment. With cancer I had the ability to see it coming. I was blessed to be given the time to fight and an opportunity to defeat it. I do not and will never live my life in the "what ifs"! Its a ridiculous waist of time and energy. I live everyday with a positive mindset and am in AWE of all my blessing. I'm truly blown away by the miracles I and my family have been given in my health being restored. The only control we have is how we treat others and how we embrace life and live it! We have the gift of prayer and Gods strength. 

 Any negative or pessimistic behavior or attitudes, I don't entertain. I pray about patience to step back and consider others negativity or them placing unnecessary fear/ doubt in others as it is due to their own personal fear. I try to consider I know nothing of their fear, life, or trials.
I simply pray for them and all others.

Everyday morning I walk out on my deck to let my dog out, I smell the fresh air and consider all my silver linings and smile! Life is such a gift and amazing journey as I'm a very blessed.

The cracks in my children last year from my treatment and battle with breast cancer have all diminished. My older sons are excelling in school, sports, jobs, and life. My two little ones are stead fast and doing well in elementary and will tell you "Mommy's cancer is gone". My toddler is secure in my hugs and guidance.
The strength my children gained and lessons from my battle will never be forgotten, just used for goodness. As my oldest looked at me on Mothers Day and said "Mom you are here and cancer free this year, what a gift"  My children have returned to normalcy, as we all have Thanks be to God.

I am traveling, playing with my kids in Disney World, attending concerts, enjoying watching them grow and accomplish their goals bringing them closer to their dreams. I do not take a moment of my life for granted and live it fully everyday!

I have pure faith and take comfort in knowing many prevail and win the battle against breast cancer as it is a very survivable disease. God is always with us and guiding us in all we do!

Your positive mindset and attitude is contagious and enhances both yours and others lives! 

God Bless! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I want my message to say you can transpire any bad circumstance into strength and comfort and prevail

I speak to people who tell me they seek a public platform. That is not what my journey is about for me personality. I simply want to help others, inspire them to fight, give hope and courage and say you too can beat cancer or adversity in life.
I want my message to say you can transpire any bad circumstance into strength and comfort and prevail.

God has blessed me with not only sparing my life, the gift of life, to watch my children grow, and the  ability to reach out to others and spread positivity, hope and faith through my personal triumphs and beating stage 3 breast cancer.

Experiencing any difficult, life threatening, debilitating, or tragedy I feel employs me to never take a moment for granted. I chose to see and relish in all life's silver linings and blessings each and every day. I don't let life's difficult times get in my way or weigh me down as I'm raising my five babies healthy and Cancer free, and truly don't have any problems I cant over come.
Speaking with many survivors I constantly hear the same thing, be positive, have faith, hope and dream big, pay it forward and help others, and that life style will grant you peace, and happiness,
I have learn through this journey I can not change others, I can only improve and make personal changes within myself.

I certainly have trials and tribulations in life just as we all do. I personality chose to not let them take from me my happiness and well being, or steal my time or positive thoughts. Money can come and go in life, but God has always provided our meals. I say to my kids each and everyday " We are all healthy, so we do not have any problems"

My husband tells me frequently that God will lead and guide. I have always felt that there is no such thing as a coincidence, as its only God choosing to remain anonymous. I feel strongly that the people placed on our path in life and who we meet are for a greater purpose and enhance us and make us stronger. We all learn from each other.
I have had so many wonderful life changing experiences from meeting Samantha and Kyle Bush, who are a remarkable selfless couple who are advocates for breast cancer and donate hundreds of thousands of dollars and their time.
I have been blessed to of won the New Balance award and to attend the Susan Komen race and help raise just short of a million dollars for a fight for the cure. It was icing on the cake to of been interview by our local media and been able to share my message of hope, faith, perseverance.

My family was recently able to take a well earned break and vacation to the Gulf of Mexico. My husband and I had the privilege to meet another celebrity Walt The Big Ticket Harris a UFC fighter. The reason I mention this is I was so inspired by he and his wife. You would never know he and his family where famous. Walt's faith in God and self perseverance and his ability to beat all odds and be triumphant is inspiring. He too has a gift and chooses to pay it forward, be a positive voice, role model, and inspire people. His wife is truly and angel among us, and a very special woman, who God has given a special gift as she is a nurse who helps abused children every day. What an amazing couple who change lives. I am honored to call them friends.

Its not your notoriety, celebrity status, that makes anyone a super star, its how you live your life and how you treat others that does!

We stayed at the #2 ranked IHG brand Holiday Inn Resort Panama City beach. The reason I mention this is we have traveled often, taken our kids out of the country to the Caribbean and many trips to Disney. The Holiday Inn Resort PCB was a remarkable experience and rose above all the others . Not only do all the general managers and entire staff make you feel like family they are always smiling and have the best customer service I have ever seen. They go above and beyond and even got Delaney and Addison a birthday cake and had a pool side party for their 7th, and 5th birthdays. What a caring staff that is kind, friendly, and make you feel at home. Go visit and vacation there with a large variety of entertainment and kid clubs too plus the beach is gorgeous. We had a truly amazing memorable vacation there.

I want to leave you with a few last thoughts and statics

I was only 18% of all breast cancers being diagnosed with triple negative
There is no cancer in my family nor do I have a BRCA or any gene mutation either (I am 1 in 8 women that was diagnosed with breast cancer ~
Further more Triple negative is high among Hispanic and black women (I'm white)
Only one-third TNBC patients achieve a PCR (no caner found after treatment) I beat it and had no cancer found

The point is when faced with adversity I beat all odds. I was TNBC stage 3c July 2014, and stand here cancer free 1 short year later with an excellent prognosis!

With God, faith and a positive attitude and mind set you can do anything, as the sky's your limit!

I tell my kids do not say you can't, as you mean you won't. If you want it bad enough YOU WILL!

I am including some pictures and a link to my interview~

God bless

Interview link copy and paste it~

Saturday, June 13, 2015

All of my experiences have also given me faith, hope and belief that with God all things are truly possible, as I have defeated TNBC stage 3!

The most common thing the majority of people I meet say to me is "You don't look like you ever had cancer"

Its very interesting to me that people have an idea of what cancer looks like, as I did before I started this journey and I was ever diagnosed.
One week prior to my TNBC stage 3c breast cancer diagnosis  (July 2014) I was in Florida vacationing and I never felt better. I looked great, felt completely healthy, full of energy and had absolutely no idea I had a large tumor in my right breast and in my lymph node under my arm.
As for myself I had no pain or symptoms of any kind. I simply rolled over in the middle of the night to scratch my rib cage and stumbled upon my large tumor. Had I of been doing a self breast exam monthly that only takes under 5 minutes of your time I would of found it sooner.
When I was thrown into the world of cancer one short year ago I feel I have gained strength, knowledge, compassion, a complete new perspective for life, and others.
The human spirit, kindness, support,selflessness, friendship, prayers, good thoughts, and pure love of all who are in my life, as I am blessed to know or of had a chance meeting is so humbling.  I am always aware of how full and blessed my life truly is. I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as a consequence, as its only God choosing to remain anonymous. If I had a "life's rewind button" I would not change one single thing. I do not ever live with any regrets as all my experiences in life both good and bad have molded me into the woman ,wife, daughter, sister, friend, and most importantly mother I am today. All of my experiences have also given me faith, hope and belief that with God all things are truly possible.
The privilege and blessings on my journey have been plentiful and my family of friends has extend and grown by leaps and bounds.
As I attended my first Susan Komen Raleigh race today I was so honored to share my time with 7500 of the most inspirational people who are making a difference and paying it forward.
As I excepted my New Balance Survivor award and spoke with the media I thought we are all in this fight together and we equally all share life. I was equally honored to have a very special couple celebrate with me and join in the fight for the cure today and shave there head and place my name on it! I look at my five children who are the purest miracles and Gods gift to Rob and I, and think this is what life and happiness is. We struggle and we all have our challenges weather it be financial, or any of struggles life throws in everyone's direction, however God will provide and pull us all through anything we face. Together we can over come and prevail I whole heartily believe and live by. When we place or faith in our hearts and share with each other love, happiness, encouragement, courage and a hand to hold we can together change the world. I am so grateful that I have been given all the above and contribute my being cancer free to all the prayers and all who have and continue to hold my hand every step of the way.

I am posting some pictures below of the race today, my 5 amazing children that make me grab silver linings and want to give my best everyday, my friends who support me and say countless prayers.

here is the link to my news interview

Life is great each and every day!

I see the silver linings shining brightly each and every day~

God bless~

Friday, May 15, 2015

God has blessed not only myself but my children and family with the greatest gift of all, my health and being cancer free.

With my one year survivor status around the corner,  I reflect on this last year. In some ways it feels like decades ago as I move forward and celebrate life. In other ways the lessons,phyical scars, personal achievements, and all I have gained feel very current as its an on going process.
The reality is the stage 4 remarkable survivors I have the privilege to know and are still fighting (many years) and are doing well with stable disease. The stage 4's that have lost their lives and the families that are living without them are brave and strong. I am in complete bliss as God has blessed not only myself but my children and family with the greatest gift of all, my health and being cancer free.

I started this journey with the intent of jumping in full throttle and dedicating volunteer time to breast cancer organizations. In spite of my great intentions I have not been so steadfast in doing so. No excuses as my life and Mommy hours with five kids has been very demanding. Instead of feeling disappointed and frustrated I pray and ask God to continue to guide me as to his will and the path I'm destined to be on, and his help in my making goals he wants me to achieve. I try to help in many other avenues and reach out to people to give support and help. As I say to my children "Do not say you cant" You mean you wont". There is no such thing as you cant. If you want it badly enough you will!

Many survivors have informed me that you change dramatically after you survive cancer. I feel it effects us all very differently. As we all have such a broad perspective and a unique abilities, wills, drive, and talents. What I see across the board are survivors and families paying it forward and making a positive difference, profoundly impacting and changing not only theirs but others lives in the process.

I have endured chemo treatments, two major surgery's, the loss of both of my breasts,countless scans, continuous blood tests and check ups. I say here me ROAR! I have prevailed against stage 3 breast cancer and by far have only endured very minimal of what my fellow cancer patients and survivors have or continue to do so.Nothing on my journey has even remotely affected me in a negative way. I could care less about my breasts, hair or any of the frivolous, irerlative things that where merely small sacrifices  to arrive Cancer free. My entire path has turned me into me steel and enhanced my relationship with God, my husband and family. I would not change a single step. My path to arrive here completely cancer free has been such a short time frame with minimal treatments as it is nothing short of a pure miracle and Gods pure blessings. My immune system is back in full functionality. My blood test and exams continue to be excellent. All that is required is a pet scan this year only, blood test every three months for the next two years, and a yearly chest X-ray. LIFE IS GREAT!

I am still human and make mistakes, pray about them and talk to God to lead and guide me to improve and try to lead by example.
What I have changed is to live everyday and moment with integrity, a smile, a heart full of happiness, enjoy more, not make excuses, not be detoured, play harder, and to never take a moment with my children or family for granted.

I think of the people and children who lose their lives daily in accidents and never see it coming. With cancer I was able to be given time and to fight with all I have. Life is truly short but what an amazingly fun adventure.

I am so blessed with all the amazing people to know and love in my life! My new friends and life long friends along the way~  I wake up daily full of gratefulness. I love and embrace all with a heart full of love and true happiness.

I pray you all continue to be blessed, loved and feel happiness every day~

I will update after my PET scan next month

Thursday, March 19, 2015

If you must move monumental mountains to achieve your goals and dreams then get to it and so be it~

If I must move monumental mountains to achieve the best scenario and provide the greatest chance at the best opportunity for my children to achieve their goals no personal cost is ever too great.

Once comfortable and steadfast, just short of admit in my long term plans life pulls rank and God once again proves I have no control of not only my life let alone my children's and husbands. I do feel I can tip the scales and take advantage of the opportunity to arrive and take the best path fundamentally placed in my grasp to enable my children to achieve their goals.

When we built our custom home under four years ago we where under the impression we would raise our children and once our two year old (baby 5) was headed to college we would down size.
As we all know life can change in a moment and as soon as you think you have it all figured out, a plan in motion, and just cruising along  it can all change. What I would of strongly professed to a week ago prior can change and have me reevaluating what is important and fine tuning or even making drastic changes. I could not for see that was forth coming, actually inevitable and very important. It always takes me back to one of my favorite quotes "when you want to hear God laugh tell him you plans"

No matter my frustration and the many optiscles I have endured as doors closed and prohibited the path I feel is imparitive towards the future, the doors in the proper direction opened as they where meant too.

I have spoken of the "signs or clues" that are meant to guide me in the proper direction as not only is patience not my strong suite but "blatantly obvious"apparently is not either. It takes a knock over the head or star spangle banner to grab my attention sometimes. Great news is God realizes this and provides what is needed to get his point across as I feel is a great blessing.

We settled for our oldest high school (as he learned a great deal of diversity and life's hard knocks) and  I was recently told our middle school-er would be at an interim high school his freshman year and my boys would miss freshman/senior year together  the cost was too great to justify any house at that point.

Our house had 5 offers in only two days on the market and the doors of fate and destiny where opening at rapid pace.  It was not that easy however. Even tho we sold our home for a better education and opportunity for our children the obstacles where plentiful to over come.

Not only did we provide our new address in our (base school) NOT GOOD ENOUGH, we endured "home visits" from our school district Wake County and had to provide personal home sale proceeds and contracts to be given permission to have the privilege of enrolling our children in their new base schools~ To elaborate "your tax dollars hard at work" Wake county does not accept proof of address they now send someone to your home to visually see that you have moved in and also visit your old home to prove it vacant. I worked at a  welfare Medicaid hospital early in my career and I felt the home visit was similar other than I'm not an unfit parent, I simply sold my dream home to provide my kids with the best opportunity at an education to endure scrutiny and an envision of privacy.
In the end it was all worth the hard work and sacrifice as the kids, Rob and  I are very grateful we made the change.

I had the greatest compliment to date as my 10th grader was given a substantial assignment (two test grade score) to pick three heroes. He chose a past, a historian, and a modern. I was his modern story hero. When I asked him why "because I beat breast cancer?' He replied no mom, you are simply the strongest person I know,and my 12 year old agreed. In spite of the normalcy in my older boys that they feel they are smarter than we are, I feel like we have arrived as parents and see Gods will in them every day!
This is precisely why money is never relevant in life. Homes come and go and material possessions never achieve happiness. God provides and life is a true gift. Its up to us to make our own happiness, good decisions, and help others.

I had my first follow up appointment since my reconstruction surgery and all is well. My blood test tumor markers look great and very low (a good thing). My consolation prize is not impressive ladies. Once you endure a bilateral mastectomy, I thought the insurance company will pay for the reconstruction lets grab a prize at the end of the journey. Not so much in my case. HAHA. I look the same as I was born with, but the silver lining is at least they look natural and you would never guess other wise. Wanted to share that with others on their journeys as your muscle will only stretch according to your body's natural frame.

I wanted to share a final story with you

My father has worked with a lovely gentleman the past 30 years who's son recently died. This man who passed away was a youth minister who was greatly loved and respected. He grew a small congregation in Florida to a large church. He is survived by his wife and 3 small children 6, 4, and a 2 year old. He died of a heroin overdose no foul play. The reason I share this is because you never really know what struggles are going on next door. Its important you smile, offer help, or an encouraging word to all you are able. Turn the other check and try diligently to forgive trespasses and not to judge. Words I need to pray about and work harder to achieve personalty.

Life is an amazing journey I am enjoying every day. I appreciate my many blessing and do not let the small stuff weigh me down. When the doors close I trust the proper doors will open and God is always guiding me.

Please pray for the less fortunate and smile everyday, grab all silver linings and know God has a plan for us all! I become stronger with each lesson learned and in my faith.

God Bless

Thursday, January 29, 2015

When you want to hear God laugh "Tell him your plans" God is remarkable and he endures all, so I simply turn it over to him~ In this I beat TNBC

With perseverance, hard work and a true passion or desire to want to be successful you can achieve any goal you set. The rewards always out weigh the risk at the end of all your hard work.  At the very least you walk away with more knowledge and experience, and cant ever fail giving your best. I think some people are "in love" with an  idea and not the clear vision of the reality to achieve it. In life I feel we all have opportunities to improve. Sometimes you will never know the answer to the question why, and other times it presents itself years later. The lessons meant for me are the lessons that strengthen me. I don't take on challenges or tasks that I am unable to see to the end and dedicate my all to. The past twenty years with my husband has required hard work, growing together, a mutual respect and to never entertain the option to quit. There have been some small cracks that surfaced in my children during my battle with breast cancer and my road to recovery. They recovered quickly and are on their way back up heading toward their dreams and goals. We are very proud of how we all held on to each other and prevailed as we where only able to achieve this together.

Having a little knowledge on many topics can either be beneficial or detrimental, as it depends how you use it. I feel my rewards outweigh my risks when I jump in and give it my all. I have never allowed the opinions of others to sway or upset me. I do my best everyday and try diligently to raise my children to not have entitlement, but to work hard, be respectful, help others, live happily, love and have complete faith in God.  It can only upset you if you are receptive to any negative. I know its not my duty to save anyone and its not in my ability to change them. God is  remarkable and he endures all, so I simply turn it over to him.

What breast cancer profoundly changed in me, is for me to utilize my natural talents and to reach out to help others. It enabled me to slow down, look outside my normal everyday life and say how can I help? I stopped and listened and feel that Gods will and his intent I will strive to do. The hardest aspect for me was to be still and hear what he was saying. It took a few times as I arrived at a serious fork in the road of a "game changing" decisions God had to knock on my head, as I now find humorous. "When you want to hear God laugh , tell him your plans"I am still working on patience's as its not a strong suit of mine. I work at not letting the small things interfere with my demeanor or perspective and happiness.
I now have a true appreciation for life and others that have come into mine. I am so grateful for the everyday blessings and people that inspire and enhance my life. The sad reality is life has no guarantees as we all know, so the importance of happiness and how we live everyday is priceless.
I thank God daily I am cancer free and pray to remain healthy. I look ahead to the future and make  distant plans to watch and experience my children's growth and achievements.

I  am excited about my final reconstruction surgery in March as I feel I have paid my dues to arrive at the final aspect of  a long road. I personally would not of electively considered surgery. I do however view it as a nice consolation prize toward restoring my physical look of my personal normalcy.

I have my first of many checkups over the next several years in the next few weeks~ I have no fear to await my blood tests I can honestly say. I am healthy, and happy and have complete trust God remains holding me as I trust in him.

Please keep myself and family in your prayers

Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the conquest of it!" As The sky is the limit, and I choose to reach for it!

A 10 year survivor quoted"Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the conquest of it!"

I have met many amazing people and realize we all have a story. Some stories are so engaging you are on the edge of your seat, others bring on tears of both joy and sorrow and some make me want to stand up and cheer. Never the less I'm always humbled and  honored to have people share their stories with me. I write and place personal health struggles, triumphs and raw emotions for all to read so they too can see even with all of our stories so unique (some are so opposite from A to Z) we are all uniquely human and do intertwine on many levels. 
It is very interesting to see up close as I deeply believe how small the world really can be.

This year is about living in my new normal, obtaining some past normal and combining both~

I plan on experiencing things I have never before done and sights I have yet to see. I will push past my comfort zone and reap the rewards. I can not live and see  greatness,achieve my dreams and goals unless I push past all boundaries and create new limits. Life is for the living, and I choose to reach for
  the so called difficult and challenging obstacles and concur them as nothing is ever truly out of your reach. All that is needed is a strong will, perseverance, and a true desire to accomplish your goals and dreams.

This is my year to regain my health (I'm well on my way) and to enjoy my kids. To be able to have lunch with my daughters at their elementary school cafeteria. This is my year to watch Jackson have another awesome football season. I will watch Robbie growing into a man. I will attend Delaney and Addison's dance recital.I will listen to Maxson speak in complete sentences and grow by leaps and bounds. I will hold Addison's hand and tell her to make friends with her new kindergarten classmates.
 Rob and I have never lost sight of the spark we have always shared, however this is our year to have an adult weekend and see remarkable "old friends" from college that have remained Rob's friends for over two decades. 
We will take the kids to play in Disney, to see family and to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
This is our families year to play hard, come together, live in all silver linings everyday, and to make new family memories full of happiness and  good health. 

I have signed up to volunteer with Pretty in Pink as I am so excited to help as it is a wonderful opportunity to utilize my talents as God intends us to do and help others!

The sky is the limit as I have always relayed to my children, and I choose to reach for it!
The possibilities are endless and I am anticipating a phenomenal year full of love,grace,good health and dreams coming true. I will achieve all goals I set.
 I am looking forward to meeting many more angels among us and spectacular people placed in my path! 

If you are able to volunteer or even make a donation the foundations below selflessly help so many please consider them

Let us join forces to help assist others this year, stretch our comfort zones, utilize our talents, as the sky truly is our limit!

Please continue to keep me in your prayers as my final reconstruction surgery is March 10th~

God Bless you and your family

Saturday, January 3, 2015

TNBC Positive outcomes ~ Encouraging Survival & Prognosis

Time is priceless and life is fragile, as many uncertainties can occur~

I do have a medical background however I am currently a stay at home mother of 5 children  ~ I was  diagnosed with TNBC and achieved a PCR following my bilateral mastectomy and only receiving 31% of my prescribed chemo treatments, (being  ultra sensitive) and responding so well I chose to investigate this disease and arrive all facts, long term studies and all positive medical perspectives available so I could help others.

We are all individuals and unique on this journey, however we are all also sisters in this disease, and I am determined to gather all positive studies and silver linings I can arrive with and share them to ease fear.
We are individuals and have many variables, however it is important to know the vast majority of TNBC is chemo sensitive and do have good out comes~

I have studied UK, Canada,US, and  San Antonio TNBC annual meeting as well many long term studies. Here is a synopsis and its sources below. It is imperative we remember TNBC is a very survivable disease and unlike Her 2 positive our risk margins mirror closely then drop considerably in 3 years. In 5 years I'm told by an oncologist the risk is a 2% over my entire life span (so divide 30-40 remaining years into 2% and it is almost untraceable. In light of those who don't consider TNBC to be cured, many oncologist would disagree. Your risk are greater to have a unforeseen life event (car accident for example) than a recurrence after 5 years.
 I also would like to add ,  I  have the privilege to personaly know three remarkably strong stage IV women who are thriving years later with stable disease, living a high quality life of normalcy and 21st century treatments and medications are enabling them to watch their children grow .

My findings and references are below

TNBC is very chemo-sensitive and the majority of patients confronted with and treated for TNBC will never relapse.
TNBCs had excellent outcomes even in the absence of adjuvant chemotherapy, and on reviewing the literature they found a 3% breast cancer specific death rate and  frequently carry a good prognosis
High radiosensitivy was suggested (7% of the patients had a complete response during  chemotherapy had no effect on the rate of recurrence or survival (6-year local recurrence-free survival, metastasis-free survival, and survival rates were 86%, 83%, and 83%, respectively)

The joint American Society of Clinical Oncology, and College of American Pathologist 
 Womens Health. 2013

Recent  analysis from a large number of TNBCs from 21 independent studies 

TNBC is more sensitive to chemotherapy. The rate of pathological complete remission (PCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is higher than in other breast cancer subtypes
Although it sounds frightening, the fast growth rate means that standard chemotherapy's have a good chance of inducing remission.TNBC has a much better response to conventional chemotherapy than other breast cancer subtypes. It’s important to remember that most people with TNBC don’t have a metastatic recurrence.
The story of progress in beating TNBC is a testament to decades of painstaking work by researchers around the world. Nearly eight in 10 women diagnosed today will still be going strong ten years later, compared to around half that number back in the 1970s.
The risk of recurrence drops significantly in 3 years, when a woman survives five years without a recurrence, her chances of survival are extremely high.. A woman who has been successfully
treated for TNBC and is disease-free 5 or more years has almost no risk of having the cancer come back. 
  This is good news for five-year survivors and makes this milestone especially important for women diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.  
I think the message is triple negative breast cancer accounts for between 10 to 15 percent of all breast cancers. We haven't solved this problem yet, but it's also not a death sentence. The majority of women with triple negative breast cancers are -- thankfully -- cured and survive. Triple negative cancer is something that if it has not come back by the five-year mark, you are almost certainly are cured of it. 

TNBCF co-founder and executive director Hayley Dinerman 

Most women with triple-negative breast cancer never have a metastatic recurrence or a new cancer.
After 3 years the chance of recurrence of TNBC is reduced by 50%.
 With each year after the 3 year mark the chance of recurrence is reduced by an additional 10%-15%.
 Long term survivors (longer than 5 years) have almost a 0% rate that the disease will recur. With other breast cancers the recurrence rate climbs after the first 5 years.

One 2013 study reported that women with stage III triple negative disease are vulnerable to metastasis during the first two to five years after diagnosis. The cumulative incidence of  metastases at five years was 9.6% among patients with stage III disease, compared to 2.8% for stage I and 4.6% for stage II.
(In other words you have a 90.6% to not have metastasis)

 American Society of Clinical Oncology 

Triple-negative breast cancer has caught the attention of major researchers throughout the world, which is a great thing—it means that we are learning more and more about how to prevent and treat this illness
 let’s look at some of the data and what they mean. And rather than simply accepting the gloomy picture that is often presented, let’s approach this in the enterprising spirit of yeah, but….

It is true that hormone-negative breast cancers can be more aggressive than hormone-positive. But the majority of women who get the disease survive.

It is true that most cases of recurrence come within the first three years.But that means that those who hit five years are looking at an excellent prognosis. A better long-term prognosis, in fact, than those with hormone-positive.

It is true that triple-negative is more likely to have spread to the lymph nodes. But many women with TNBC have no positive nodes—and, if they do, they still beat the disease and survive.

Here are more positives:

Your tumor responds better to chemotherapy than tumors that are estrogen and progesterone positive. Chemo works better on you.

If you remain disease free for four or more years the chances are your cancer will not EVER return.

You do not have to take endocrine therapy drugs that have a whole host of side effects that are not pleasant.

And there is emerging research every day into this type of breast cancer that is making the “poor prognosis” moniker a thing of the past.

The following is an up to the minute report on the latest trends and breakthroughs in Triple Negative treatment. You will see that there is a tremendous amount of HOPE.

Please do not despair with this diagnosis. It CAN be beaten. 

Studies have demonstrated that triple negative disease exhibits a unique recurrence pattern and that not only is there a very sharp decline in recurrence risk of triple negative disease after the fourth year post-diagnosis, but that the risk of distant recurrence falls to absolute zero! - unheard of in any other type of breast cancer - from five years and after (and is in any event extremely small, almost negligible, even from five years forward), and in addition, although local recurrence is a risk factor for later distant recurrence among women with all other types of breast carcinomas, this does NOT hold true for triple-negative tumors it was found that any local recurrence in triple negative disease is not associated with increased metastatic risk. 


Oncology  Investigators 
No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation

I have learned to turn statistics around and to always have a positive perspective. For example, when research says that 20 percent of the women with triple negative died in a particular study, I turn this around and realize that 80 percent of the women survived. And if, in another study, a triple-negative woman faces twice the risk increased risk of death compared with hormone-positive, I look at the fact that the difference is between a 10 percent risk of and a 20 percent risk. And, while they are decreased odds , they still mean an 80 percent chance of not dying. Even starting with a poorer prognosis, the odds can still be with you. TNBC is a very survivable disease and has many blessings associated such as being considered cured and not looking over our shoulders in 5 years. Personality I feel everyday I'm cancer free I am already cured,however I will breath another sigh of relief at my 3 year anniversary milestone.

God has blessed me and I pray for you and your family to have many blessings also~

I hope this has helped ease some doubts and fears and help place a positive outlook on your journeys to concur TNBC!

Most women with triple-negative breast cancer never have a metastatic recurrence or a new cancer.
Most women with triple-negative breast cancer never have a metastatic recurrence or a new cancer.