Thursday, July 17, 2014

Finding Silver Linings in Breast Cancer

I have been exposed to a very different life and world in the last week and am only beginning my journey too many are also experiencing or have experienced. My out look and views are already changed and I'm learning new things every day. Many amazing people I've already met.

I have invasive ducal breast cancer (the most common) however I'm triple negative not so common
But my Her2 negative status reacts better to chemo just will need to find the correct drugs! Thus my wonderful oncologist.

My experiences I plan to share all along the way the good the bad and the gory and all the glory!

The small things like losing my breast and hair are truly not bothersome. Will look funny without eye brows or lashes tho. I will Google how long it takes for brows and lashes to regrow~ LOL

I did not realize during a mastectomy you lose your nipples too~ Just never thought of it but I hear after 5 kids you wake up with a much prettier pair~ See (silver lining)

My kids and husband are amazing and Robbie at 15 has given up his summer to baby sit as I'm at doctors or scans often. (Silver lining with my supportive family)

I had a MRI today and wonderful nurses made the experience easier to endure.

I am having a PET Scan in the morning tomorrow (Friday) and am praying the cancer is only in my breast. I meet with my new best friend my oncologist directly after and will then have a complete picture of my illness, treatment and prognosis.
I'm not expecting to rest well tonight as I'm ready to know all, wrap my head around it and have my chemo kill it and rid my body of this breast cancer disease.

I'm already seeing signs in Delaney behavior and she at a young 6 cried last night at bed time and asked if i'm going to heaven. I am direct and honest and tell my kids my prognosis is very good and I plan on being in their lives and celebrating each step they take by their side!
We have reached out to a resource  teacher who will be sending us great support group and groups for children to better understand and put their fears at ease. I will be getting our 4 oldest kids involved soon.

My Pet Scan tomorrow , I will be drinking a radioactive solution. I will not be able to be near any child under 18 for 6 hours after, then cant hold or hug my kids until Saturday morning as its harmful to them.

Your breathing should be slow and calm for my MRI this morning so I was given a small amount of val um (Ive never had) feeling sleeping and a bit light headed still.

My hubby hand  made me an amazing paper rose and palm tree during my MRI and was a (silver lining)

I'm collecting special trinkets along my journey and my 1st was my pink ribbon on my purse and 2nd pink key chain. I know have my favorites yet Robs gifts.

I'm scared as hell today and ready to get through my scan and meet my wonderful oncologist tomorrow.

I'm including pictures of my trinkets

Please pray and know I will beat cancer no matter my test results!

I will update tomorrow night as I will have a clear picture!

Please know its very difficult financially as we have 11,000 deductibles then 30% coinsurance and are looking upwards on tens of thousands in bills.  If you know a company or organizations that help fund or organize fund raisers please pass my info along!

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