Saturday, August 23, 2014

Many decisions made and only a few remain~ My clear plan is coming together under Gods plan and blessings!

II I was 

I was able to sit down with a genetics doctor Friday who explained to us that my lack of  BRACA 1&2 as we know means I have no gene mutation and unable to pass it to my children, (Thanks be to God). It further more enable me to keep my ovaries and tubes at surgery
 I was last told to not be tested for the new PALB2 gene discovered in breast cancer as I do not need to be tested.

I sat with my oncologist and had many questions answered and given new options as well. 
I was told I'm a candidate for a lumpectomy in my right breast only and could leave the left and a large portion on my right. Here are the negatives associated with that. It leaves me with an 30% chance of breast cancer recurring. I would also have to endure many mammograms and surgical biopsies well as the fear of looking over my shoulder and waiting on test results.

With a double mastectomy, I have a less than 7% of my current cancer returning in the first 3 years than much lower and cured at 5 years. I will never need a biopsies nor mammogram or to live in fear and worry. 
Over my life time (living to 90) I have a life time 1.3 % divided by all those years of ever getting another or different cancer! So that's a blessing with triple negative!
It is a easy no brainier" for Rob and I, as we are admitted on having a double mastectomy in December or January. I have over a 65% chance of being cancer free at the time of surgery! I feel God is helping me achieve that goal!
I have the top three "dream team" of an oncologist, surgeon, and reconstructive physicians
 as my doctor yesterday concurred and asked me how did you manage to find us all? I said God lead me to you! He agrees and said God gave him his ability to help others.
My 3rd chemo treatment yesterday was a little more difficult as I was in bed at 7 feeling a tad yucky but slept well and as I prayed about it I feel  back to normal today! 
I only have 1 more treatment on my current drugs as they are the most difficult. 
I have an ultrasound on 9-19 and get to see what we can no longer feel as it will be normal tissue! 
Cant wait. Then I start my new drugs that day so my side effects should be even lesser as I will continue to sail through. 

I'm told the double mastectomy in December I will then have spacers placed and gradually filled the they stay in place approximately 6 months until they are exchange for an implant. I will meet with my plastic- reconstructive  surgeon on  Monday to get a clearer picture and make some decisions as to the path I will take. I am not sure I  want skin graphs nor tissue taken from my body to reconstruct with my own fat, so the implant may be my coarse. How ever a skin sparing mastectomy it   It involves removing the nipple and surrounding areola, and then removing the cancerous breast tissue through the opening. The surgeon leaves most of the breast skin, creating a natural skin envelope that is immediately filled with the patient’s own tissue from another area of the body. The transferred tissue is used to rebuild the shape of your breast, leaving a reconstructed breast that will have the same look and texture as your natural breast. The overall advantage of the skin sparing mastectomy is that it improves the cosmetic outcome and gives the best option for reconstruction.
We will be informed and armed with knowledge and will make that decision as we have time to ponder over it.

Rob and I also made a decision to not have a repeat pet scan in December as my Doctor told us it has no barring on my treatment and all answers will be given through my pathology report and the time of my surgeryI will follow surgery with radiation to ensure we get any microscopic  cells unseen. 
I've said this is a marathon however we have been blessed with may questions answered, doors opened and new found friends, blessings that lead us on the correct path to my full recovery! 

( The photo of my children was taken by T&T Photography and for cancer patients its FREE OF CHARGE!) Tonya the owner is a survivor and an amazing photographer that is paying it forward and helping others! She is also open to the general public! her email is

God bless 

Please keep up the prayers! They are working!

As always if you can help with my mountain of medical bills or precipitations my medical account link is above

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