Thursday, October 30, 2014

Simple smiles and few words of kindness and encouragement travel quickly, spread and are not only contagious but also very meaningful in others lives~

Life uncertainties and unforeseeable events is what makes life so fragile but also everyday a precious gift we should enjoy.

Simple smiles and few words of kindness and encouragement travel quickly, spread and are not only contagious but also very meaningful in others lives.

When I have a bad day I stop to consider my great blessings and many others not so fortunate as it changes my perspective and out look very quickly.
It is about what I can learn for my experiences, trials, lessons, blessings, and gather strength and knowledge so I can pass it to my children and share it to help others.

When I consider my major surgery a few short weeks away I have no fear as I realize with no visible cancer I'm one of the lucky ones! God has blessed me so I can have my health restored to enable me to pay it forward , grab and share life's silver linings everyday.

I have been told to consider the impact of not driving for two weeks, or not picking up my toddler four to six weeks. I have been told to consider the pathological report after surgery may find a few microscopic cells in my lymph nodes and I may have several removed. I have also been told to  consider not only losing all feeling in my chest for a life time but also the visual scars and looking completely different in a mirror.

For me the double mastectomy will be the less taxing part of my entire road to recovery in winning and defeating breast cancer.

Here is what I consider to be my reality and what I feel

The double mastectomy significantly reduces my percentage to ever have any re occurrence and greatly assist me in my achieving being cured in three to five years. As does the radiation after surgery.

I am very blessed to have such a fundamental support system with friends and family coming to stay so they can drive my children to car pools and help with our everyday lives.

I have also not only considered but know down to my core that not only has God healed me this far he will continue to do so. I believe I will wake up from surgery with a clear pathological report and be a survivor.
Many woman have many lymph nodes removed and are twenty year plus survivors, thus is why you have the surgery.

As far as losing sensation I could care less as the ultimate goal is to live a long full life and scars are such a minimal  price the trade off and the end result of good health is far greater, I am truly steadfast in my decisions in treatment.

I will heal in God speed and am ready to have my surgery and shore up the next phase in treatment to follow by radiation. The aspect of ending treatment by late January, early February and only have a few minor surgeries later next year is the goal I am aiming to achieve an excellent prognosis, as it has been my game plan all along.

I have come so remarkably far and achieved so much and with Gods blessings am entering surgery with no detectable cancer! That is what I consider to be important! I can honestly careless about looks or lack of feeling, as it is completely irrelevant in the larger scope of it all.

My life is full of love, happiness, hope, friendship, family and driven by faith!

Please keep myself and family in your prayers as my surgery is November 13th

God Bless

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It is almost surreal to consider I will be under going major surgery in a few short weeks as I feel healthy~

It is almost surreal to consider I will be under going major surgery in a few short weeks. Do not get me wrong as I am not parochial to any body part I can live with out that has potential to be life threatening.
It was an easy decision to have a double mastectomy to substantially decrease my percentage of recurrence to breast cancer.

It is difficult to wrap my mind around the next phase as I feel healthy and have complete faith I'm cancer free. Losing my breasts, acclimating to the new picture in the mirror, enduring anesthesia (I do not do well sedated) the pain and lack of using my arms, the inability to pick up my children, complete change in normalcy in our lives and routine is all short term.
I simply can not play the odds, roll the dice because I am not willing to rick or lose what is such a precious gift.

I remain strong and truly believe God will help in my healing quickly and for me to wake up cancer free from surgery. I had someone say to me "God healed you and you where cancer free after two chemo treatments so why not trust you are healed and no surgery just walk away"
I feel God has also given us wisdom and knowledge, access to 21st medicine, the ability and gifts of the surgeons and physicians to save lives that I'm on the correct path and have made proper decisions to remain healthy.

I was by far the most difficult decision I have ever arrived at to take a pure leap of faith and close the chemo therapy chapter as I am now healing and so is my heart damage from chemo. I have an occasional shortness of breath but am getting stronger daily. My reminders are no hair, however wigs are great. The strange thing is I just recently lost my eye lashes three weeks after chemo ended. It is not the vanity aspect it is the function of them to keep dust and such out so my eyes water and are sensitive. The silver lining is the "brows and lashes" grow back quickly.

Once a chapter in treatment ends the anticipation of the next phase and the not knowing is upon me I pray and my faith shines through as I will not entertain fear, negatives, and what if's. God has not only healed and cured me, he has held me, guided me and helped me arrive at all correct decisions I have made on my path to a full recovery.

I am a very energetic, organized Mother of five whom is accustomed to a very busy life and schedule.
Now that I'm headed to surgery and the realization on my recover period and limitations are close upon me, life has given me above what my full schedule is normally.
A friend said to me between my husband and I we are giving our guardian angels a run.

Here are my silver linings as there are many~

My husband was not injured when his car was totaled last week being hit at highway speed by another driver. That driver was not injured either.

I was able to attend Sunday school with Maxson last week.

I am healing daily and God is giving me the stamina and endurance to achieve and meet my family s needs before my pending surgery.

My children are healthy!

We have an abundance of family, friends and neighbors, an amazing church family, and are in excellent company.

Please consider Sunday October 26th having lunch or watching the Carolina / Sea Hawks game at Rudino's
High House Cary~ Take out a pizza if you are unable to dine in

10% of the proceeds (food not alcohol)  from 1-5 pm help assist my medical fund to pay for surgery. I will has have out of pocket and co insurance start over yet again in January as I have radiation treatments and additional surgeries~

Please pray for a successful, cancer free surgery and for God speed in my healing

God Bless

Saturday, October 11, 2014

It is very important for me to follow all signs, make the best choices in light of all the facts and circumstances, be an advocate for my own health~

It is very important for me to follow all signs, make the best choices in light of all the facts and circumstances, be an advocate for my own health, treatments, and care. A physicians egos, demeanor, aggression and temper tantrums simply are not retaliative nor important and I refuse to be bullied or swayed. I will not be a "protocol" and generally grouped with all to please anyone. When the bad out weighs any benefit its time to move on to the next chapter.

The road turns, constantly changes, and needs to be fine tuned as my journey and medical healing regimen is completely unique to me as is others on the journeys. I have met  many who are true heroes and inspirations as they battle stage IV, are not responding to chemo, are children and babies, all fighting and not losing their personal resolve or faith. God too has a plan for them as he does for us all.

My port was removed on Thursday and  was a wright of passage and a well earned achievement. It was a chapter ending as I know God healed my cancer early on and I am ready for my upcoming surgery. I fully believe my next chapter will be full of bright silver linings and blessing with many wonderful people and  healing to come.

I was humbled to experience the Kyle Busch foundations generosity the organization contributes to help women with breast cancer in need. His wife Samantha is an amazing soul that pours time and energy into her busy life to pay it forward and help so many less fortunate with breast cancer.
Pretty in Pink foundation tirelessly works and volunteers to connect with such organizations both big and small to help so many with breast cancer.

I was able to meet and see many NASCAR drivers, pit crews, and all behind the scenes personal that make it look easy. I have a new appreciation of all the hard work contributed to making a race possible.
The pit and behind the scenes was a memorable experience. When the cars are being pushed by crews (a long line of them) you hear "car crossing" and must be prepared to jump out of the way. When you are told its not unusual to spend $30,000 on tires alone you have an appreciation for the cars and what is entailed entirely.

I walk into the next phase of treatment with very minimal knowledge of  how surgery, recovery, reconstruction, timeline, and over all healing will be. I walk in with no fear and a heart full of trust and faith as God's healing in my treatments he will continue to do so.
I look forward to some knowledge and insight into my next chapter as its a step closer to healing and normalcy.

I fully anticipate waking up from surgery with NED (no cancer) and God speed in healing so I can move forward to the radiation treatments.

Please continue to keep myself and family in your prayers as it has carried me this far!

I have had many reach out and tell me I'm hard find and contact, as they have questions or wish to communicate with me.

Please leave a comment with your email address and I will be happy to reach out to you.

 Please know I feel great, fully believe my cancer is completely gone, am healing quickly from chemo, anticipating a quick recovery from surgery, a clear pathology report, minimal pain, and countless blessings!

All things are possible through Christ who strengths us~

God Bless

I will update after I have my surgery date.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

There is no such thing as a coincidence as its merely God choosing to remain anonymous

There is no such thing as a coincidence as its merely God choosing to remain anonymous.

My journey with TNBC has been full of twists and turns no easy answers and certainly no easy choices to be made. I have been pushed to points I never dreamed I could sustain. I have had circumstances reek havoc on my resolve, physical well being and my emotional state as well.
I have been challenged in my faith , and know what its like to experience pure fear.

I have also remained steadfast in faith, sustained over all good health, gained tremendous knowledge, became stronger, heard Gods message, gained many friends, strengthen my family,  my children and even had a few guardian angels help me along the way. And my journey has only closed its first phase as I move on the the next road to recovery.

The initial four rounds of AC chemo (adriamycin has damaged my heart mildly and I am taking low doses of two heart medications to help assist in obtaining its normal function as time will tell.
I started to experience tachycardia and arrhythmia (rapid heart rate & skipping beats)  along with severe shortness of breath. I had an EKG and heart ultrasound preformed and compared to my prior heart tests before chemo began mid July that lead to my findings of my lower function. The shortness of breath is listed as a side effect of taxol the chemo medication I recently received.
I'm happy to report my SOB is getting much better as are my heart symptoms of fast rate and skipping beats.

My oncologist recommend enduring chemo that is causing my SOB and irritating my heart as I was told the taxol doesn't effect your heart the previous chemo damage is done, and I could be given medications to mask side effects and they are cumulative. You need to understand I had a complete clinical response after two chemo treatments and sat for three additional treatments. When I started taxol and was given eight weeks it was due to protocol as its the general standard for all woman with breast cancer and medicine has not studied the outcome If I stopped chemo at that point.

Every woman is different and the variables with this disease are widely great and very unique to each individual.

TNBC has a three year re occurrence rate that varies for each individual and all their factors, however after three years the odds almost diminish and are considered cured at five years.

I have weighed all facts, personal circumstances, treatments, odds, side effects, and health and made a decision to end chemo as the bad is now out weighing the good and I can no longer agree to protocol. Woman finish twelve treatments and can have a re occurrence or new cancer and some complete one or four with tumor still remaining at time of surgery and are survivors.

My individual journey and battle is unique to me however any re occurrence or new cancer rick are low and odds for me are not substantially increased by my chemo treatments ending now. ( I have taken all my antibiotics if you will and my body has had enough) and due to all factors its time for me to schedule surgery.

When I have had any doubts God has in many ways settled them and has guided me to all correct decisions and healing and will continue to do so.

My guardian angel threw a dresser over on me that lead my discovering a lump and finding my TNBC diagnosis as it was no coincidence

I knew what the correct decision was, but was helpful with any fear as another angel I had the privilege of meeting came to me after arriving last with ten minutes in the fourth quarter of my sons middle school football game and said to me.
I believe there are no coincidence's as I struggled to be at this game as we where dentin to meet. I received only one chemo treatment and headed to surgery. I am a twenty year survivor! As my point in "we are all very individual in our cancer journeys".

I have no regrets staining the chemo that effected my heart as it dissipated my cancer and tumor.

God has cured me!

My double mastectomy and radiation assists in  my long term health for no re occurrence or new cancers.

I would change no choice, decision, treatment or steps made as all have served a purpose and lead me to my current point with no cancer seen in good health and ready for the long term victory.

Many different signs, guidance and forms of communication to place or keep us on our correct paths are clear as we just need to listen~

I am hoping to have my port removed next week and I will update soon. I am headed to meet with my surgeon soon and have some questions answered so I can develop  some knowledge of my next chapter.

My blessing remain great and I ask for continued prayers for my full recovery, successful surgery and achieving a clear pathological report. Please pray for all the  less fortunate people and children.

God Bless!