Sunday, November 16, 2014

With all the prayers that rattled heaven you have help enable me to WIN THIS WAR ON BREAST CANCER AS WE HAVE DEFEATED IT!

I have never believed in a mere coincidence as instances happen for a reason~

I was not given a preference between hospitals as its simply who has OR time and can accommodate both of my surgeons schedules.

I was so blessed to have my bilateral mastectomy at Rex as not only did I receive excellent care, the medical staff go above and beyond and are very special angels among us.

My next phase in this  journey started last Friday as I had my pre-op at Rex and had the privilege to sit down with one of the most brilliant anesthesiologist I have ever met. I had general anesthesia seven years prior and was only under twenty minutes. I had a severe allergic reaction that lasted two days.
This surgery took four and a half hours and my anesthesiologist administered "opioid sparring non narcotic anesthesia" and has only been done in about 3-5% of most patients.
I did excellent, as I woke up fully awake (no hang over effect or nausea) and was in my complete frame of mind , a pure relief and blessing.

Thursday we arrived at 10 am and I had my dye injected behind my nipple around 1 pm. This procedure is only a very quick (few seconds) sting and is over. My surgeon whom I'm eternally grateful did not remove my sentinel lymph node and do a dissection at all. This is due to her excellent knowledge and skill. A small area was sent to pathology while I was under and they where able to see 5 lymph nodes ALL CLEAR NO CANCER~
So she spared me any further, as God is great and yet another miracle rushed into that OR as my prognoses is excellent and God has healed me.
My reconstruction surgeon is remarkable as well and has started what will take a year, as I have faith the end result will be good as he is what I consider the best in reconstruction.

My surgery was due to start at 2:30 and much later Rob and my Mother where given an update as to they where just finishing on one side and now moving to the other. Rob did the math and that doubt crept in as he felt this may indicate many lymph nodes removed and cancer found. My mother said she felt the connection and knew there was no cancer and surgery simply was taking a long time and may not of started on time.
I would not of traded them as it was far easier to be asleep than to sit and wait. I am told my surgeon walked out looked at them and "high five" them and said no caner found and all clear!

When I woke up and was in recovery around 9 pm there was no room available, we where fully aware speaking to the nurses what a full miracle and all the blessings I have been given. Its simply remarkable and Gods grace as I went from triple negative stage lllc mid July to 4 months later cancer free!

When we where taken to my room late we had many visits from nurses telling us this is why they chose nursing and medicine for the silver linings and healing cases like me.

I woke up and truly felt like I hit the lottery and that my cheer section, all the prayers that where sent up where answered!

I was sent home and currently have tubes attached to plastic shaped containers the size of your palms on each side of my body. I have what looks like a corset that remains on and is wrapped around my breast and ribs. I am maintaining   the pain as its a very small price to pay and only lasts a short time. My tubes are expected to be removed Tuesday as everyday I am healing. I have plenty of feeling and sensation on my skin.

The hardest part of this journey is now behind me as not only did I concur chemo, now major surgery all I must do is heal and sail through radiation as I'm told is the easiest part of treatment.

Its the best gift to be able to say "I'm cancer free and no longer have breast cancer"

With all the prayers that rattled heaven you have not only helped carry me through this ordeal you have also enabled me to WIN THIS WAR ON BREAST CANCER AS WE HAVE DEFEATED IT!

My treatments with radiation and more surgery will last into late next year, however are truly far less taxing and easier as the difficult parts of treatment are over.

My parents are here as I could not heal without them. Between my Dad and Mom taking care of the kids and Robs endless laundry to the hugs and their emotional wisdom I'm a very blessed lady.

My words of gratitude are not enough as I'm truly blessed, humbled, and so fortunate to have you praying for me you have helped assist in my children having a healthy mother. God Bless you all from the bottom of our hearts!

Know I will heal everyday and get stronger, I can drive in 2 weeks and lift Maxson in 4. My support team are filling in great as my kids are getting plenty of hugs.

The holidays this year are cause for celebration and I will forever have my perspective changed in life and only see all the silver linings~

I will pay it forward and have big plans and ideas how to help others as I will always remember all that have helped me!

Know your mental strength is half the battle and faith will carry you if life's challenges and you to will prevail~

God Bless

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