Monday, April 1, 2019

I am five years cancer free with a excellent prognosis ~ Positive Outcomes for TNBC

I want you to take a moment to consider how many things you have seen, experienced, all the precious moments and memories you have lived in the past five years.
It is more than personal for myself and family. Five years ago when I was diagnosed with stage 3 C triple negative breast cancer it was unconscionable to ever imagine or see myself as I sit here now.

When you hear breast cancer and certainty stage 3C, with  my life on the line it was a defining, life long, changing moment and a diagnosis for myself and entire family. At my initial diagnosis I remember the thoughts that flashed across my mind. I'm young, I have no family history, my children need their mom, I want to attend their weddings, see my future grandchildren and I cant leave my husband who is my soulmate to raise them alone.
My five children at the time where a freshman in high school, middle school, first grade, toddler, and an infant.
Needless to say the random thoughts where very short lived. I found my inner core and strength, became steel, had sheer determination,  a positive mindset and never again entertained that it was going to take my life. I had such pure faith, and still do that it was not my time and I would become, remain cancer free and be an advocate to help as many others as I am able to with their BC journeys also!
On my journey I have helped raise money towards women's treatments and medical bills. I have won survivor awards, publicly spoken, helped raise 1 million from NASCAR towards medical bills, filmed a national ad campaign for breast cancer. I have interviewed with the media & aired on the news to show you can over come and survive BC.The very most important thing I have done and  continue to do is reach out to my pink sisters all over the world to help them have courage, hope and see there is a life after treatments, and they too can prevail and become steel as I did! I am living life, my health is fully restored as they can too. There is always hope and BC is survivable.

My children live life to the fullest, we all do. My journey has made them stronger, advocates and they too inspire, my family is completely humbled. Our journey has been a team effort every step of the way. I watch my oldest in college fastly achieving his goals and dreams, attending galas with me to help raise funds for patients BC treatments and helping others. I am watching my junior now in high school play football, close in on his future dreams of college, win awards due to his compassion and ability to inspire others.   I have watched my baby start kindergarten and play flag football My fourth and third graders become young ladies and really relish in our "girl time together".  I am attending field trips.
 Our family vacations are full of laughter and love and we never forgot how blessed we all truly are.
We have honestly really lived these past five years with no fear, enjoyed every moment.
My family turned stage 3 into something positive!

I am just shy of  five years cancer free with an excellent prognosis.

Please remember the positive outcomes

 I have studied UK, Canada,US, and  San Antonio TNBC annual meeting as well many long term studies.
It is imperative we remember TNBC is a very survivable disease.
TNBC is very chemo-sensitive and survival rates were 86%, and 83%, .TNBC is more sensitive to chemotherapy. The rate of pathological complete remission (PCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is higher than in other breast cancer subtypes
The majority of women with triple negative breast cancers are -- thankfully -- cured and survive. Triple negative cancer is something that if it has not come back by the five-year mark
After 3 years the chance of recurrence of TNBC is reduced by 50%. With each year after the 3 year mark the chance of recurrence is reduced by an additional 10%-15%. Long term survivors (longer than 5 years) have almost a 0% rate that the disease will not recur. With other breast cancers the recurrence rate climbs after the first 5 years. (You have a 90.6% to not have metastasis)

Please keep your eyes on the bright light at the end of treatments they do end! I'm down to a simple blood test once a year. 
Your not alone, all of us Pink sisters know how you feel. I am humbled and blessed to of met so many and follow your journeys as you prevail too!
May you heal in Gods speed!

Five years ago it was 1 in 9 diagnosed with breast cancer. Its now  1 in 8 now. 

A self exam once a month (five minutes of your time) can lead to early detection. 

This is Team Fox living life! It really does return to normalcy and treatments become a distant memory. They do end!