Monday, October 15, 2018

I was diagnosed with stage 3 Triple Negative with five children on the line & my positive can do attitude greatly contributed to my excellent prognosis

I am rarely surprised at peoples large range of reactions when they discover I am a stage 3C survivor.
Some have questions, some are encouraged, some praise God, some say you don't look like you had breast cancer, and some simply do not know what to say. It is always interesting. When I speak with those battling, in treatment or newly diagnosed I can absolutely tell who will have lesser symptoms and side effects and will get through treatment easier by their positive "can and will do" mindset.

Breast cancer is very survivable
The average survival rate for people with breast cancer is 90%.  If the cancer is located only in the breast, survival rate of people with breast cancer is 99%

Many will survive however the speed bumps in your journey will either be minimal, or largely challenging all by your emotional mindset.
A positive mindset is 80% of the battle already won. Negative breeds negative and a downward spiral. Its harmful to both you, your health, your family and all those around you. You owe it to yourself to be positive and know the benefits are great when you achieve this mindset.

Courage isn't the absence of fear, its the conquest of it!


I was diagnosed with stage 3 C Triple Negative  with five children on the line. A freshman in high school, middle school, first grader, preschooler and infant. No family history, no brca, no rhyme no reason.
I could either let it break and change me, define me or strengthen me.
So I said I'm swinging with all I've got, this will not slow me down, take my life, and it will only strengthen me. I was going to get this off my plate and resume normalcy with the least adverse reactions possible.

We hired a college girl to come in three days a week for a total of only fifteen hours a week to carpool and watch the kids while I  received chemo and treatments.
My husband could not lose his job, so he had to continue to go to work. No family in NC its just the seven of us.

I would come home after chemo and walk into constructive chaos with five children, and still resume normalcy as their mother.
My veins would not corporate after my initial scans, and my port needed to be placed ASAP so I could start chemo so I had it put in regardless of the inability of sedation. I went into the  operating room completely sober  with only a drape so my vision was obstructed and a numbed area.  The surgeon talked to me wide awake the entire surgery as my port was placed.
I was also home 24 hours after my bilateral, both breast removed on Tylenol no narcotics being a mom to my kids.

All of my positive can do attitude contributed to my ability to remain as energetic, healthy, and have the normalcy with my children to continue my mom routine. It enabled me to beat stage 3 C and have an excellent prognosis with minimal speed bumps, and truly minimal side effects

When you tell me you are on medications to even sleep at night, scared, depressed, and worried all the time, I say to you its imperative to remember BC is very survivable. Or you say you are worried about a reassurance. You could be in a random car accident. Life is full of unforeseen events and you have the ability to remain strong, and positive. Life absolutely returns to normal, your health will be restored.  Treatment will end! You will travel again, have that margarita again, celebrate your children and family. If you are a survivor, don't let worry steal your time or happiness. You are here after your battle was won to LIVE and enjoy every day and life.

Now that I am a survivor, I am forever changed. I am stronger, love harder, see clearly, enjoy watching and celebrating all the milestones, achievements and accomplishments of  my children.
I enjoy every moment, ups and downs watching my children grow, and spending my life with my husband.

I am an advocate, speak to others, help raise money, awareness and help others!

I am blessed to meet many Pink Sisters from all walks of life, all over the world.
All of us Pink Sisters are here to encourage each other, be supportive, let each other know there is HOPE, a bright light & life after treatment. We offer strength, love, a ear to listen or a shoulder and hug for each other!
We know how each other feels to be diagnosed with breast cancer, and the battle endured.

I was honored  to speak at a large function, gala to help raise money for medical bills and treatment for patients with breast cancer, and will be speaking again on Friday at another large event to help raise more.
I am blessed to share my journey with others and pray it helps encourage hope in others along their journey to beat breast cancer as I did!
I am not defined by money, medical bills, I don't let stress, or any of life's hiccups or unforeseen speed bumps rattle my soul or steal my happiness! I am breathing today and its that simple!  Its a gift, I am blessed and I LIVE every single day happy, appreciative and blessed!

I spoke on Friday at a large Gala
Was a great night. I got to sit with Debra Morgan wonderful selfless woman. I met her coworkers Gerald Owens and Greg Fishel a few years ago when I won the survivor award. The Wral team is awesome. We raised enough money last night to cover 16 women’s treatments!!!
So blessed my speech went very well and we nailed it! 
What a phenomenal young man Robbie my oldest son is is. He was the youngest by far in a packed house among physicians, celebrities and the media as he held his own and I couldn’t be more proud of him!