Sunday, December 27, 2015

I am anxiously anticipating 2016 to hold many more opportunity's to reach, grow, and help others "I had cancer, cancer did NOT have me!'

Its  December, and as I approach the closing of 2015 I reflect on what a wonderful year it was. I anticipate 2016 to bring health, happiness, new friends, blessings, and the opportunity for myself to continue to be an advocate and help others.

When I was diagnosed in July 2014 with stage 3 TNBC I did not even remotely have any indicator what would be in store ahead of me. I felt and looked completely healthy, even as I accidentally stumbled upon a large lump on the right side of my breast I still did not conceive I had breast cancer. Even as my GYN doctor examined me and my large lump on my breast, she assured me it would be benign (non cancerous) as she reassured me it felt like a cyst. As I went in without my husband, by myself to have my annual mammogram the next day to check what I was told would be a cyst I was ill prepared and truly feel there simply is no way to imagine nor grasp what was in store. My tumor was not detected on the four mammograms that I was given that day, even tho it was large and could be palpitated. The radiologist quietly came out of her office at 5 pm that Friday afternoon and said lets go into the ultrasound room. As I laid on the table I thought of the nurses and staff that should be leaving to start their weekend with their children and family's, but instead volunteered to stay late for me. When the radiologist completed my ultrasound and inserted the needle to take a biopsy and turned to me a said "I am inserting the titanium ribbons for the surgeon, I knew then I did not need to wait for the formal pathology report to confirm on Monday that I had breast cancer. 
As the initial shock wore off, each scan, every test, meeting my oncologist and surgeon I felt my resolve become stronger. My perseverance and trust in God carried me, as I never felt cancer would take my life and my precious time away from watching my children grow. 

"I had cancer, cancer did NOT have me!

I made a choice to use this as a defining moment, turn my circumstance into reaching out helping others, teaching my children the power of faith and a positive attitude, that you can concur any of life's unforeseen events or tragedies. Its always a choice, you do have the ability to turn any situation into a positive one that not only do you gain knowledge you gain strength from it as well.  

I have turned breast cancer into an opportunity to help others, and not only has it made me stronger it has been full of silver linings, hope,faith, strength as well. 

When I reflect on the chemo treatments, my three surgeries, and physical scars, I never once feel sorrow or sadness. I have been given a gift from this journey to have my voice heard to tell others God is great every day, as he has bestowed a miracle to restore my health. I beat TNBC stage 3 and you can defeat any and all of life's unforeseen events too! 

I had the privilege to meet both Samantha and Kyle Busch who continue to help others suffering with breast cancer as they advocate and pay it forward. 
With my New Balance Survivor award came an opportunity to help raise just under a million dollars for Susan Komen charity.
I have sat down with a  large pharmaceutical company in hopes they will  discover new drugs and treatments to help others diagnosed with cancer. 
I have taken part of a world wide web cam for a research team in hopes of minimizing effects of treatments and giving insight of my journey that led me to concur and defeat breast cancer. 
I have donated all of my breast tissue and DNA to medical research, so they may continue to climb toward finding a cure. 

When people in public yell or frown, treat me poorly, the hospital and physician bills are too great, as my insurance policy will no longer offer coverage to myself and 5 kids. Our rates climb 35% for lesser coverage and higher copay's. Whatever stress at that moment in life holds, I reflect on my many silver linings as i'm alive in that moment, cancer free with the ability to make a choice as I smile. I have a true sense of whats important in life now and not letting the "small stuff" weight me down or effect my demeanor. I cant change or control life's unforeseen events, but I can control my ability to smile and push through them.

I am anxiously anticipating 2016 to hold many more opportunity's to reach, grow, and help others. All the laughter with my children, good health and blessings. Gods got it all under control and I trust in him.

I pray 2016 finds you and your family peace, love, blessings, and countless smiles!